How green are you - 1 When it comes to living green, the 3 R’s are Reduce, Reuse and What? Recess Redo Recycle
How green are you - 2 Which is more Earth-friendly: Drinking bottled water or tap water? Bottled water Bottled, only if you recycle the bottle Tap
How green are you - 2 Which is more Earth-friendly: Drinking bottled water or tap water? Bottled water Bottled, only if you recycle the bottle Tap
How green are you - 3 Which of these is NOT a renewable form of energy? Coal Solar Wind
How green are you - 3 Which of these is NOT a renewable form of energy? Coal Solar Wind
How green are you - 3 Which of these is NOT a renewable form of energy? Coal Solar Wind
How green are you - 4 Recycling one ton of paper saves how many trees? 17 10 5
How green are you - 4 Recycling one ton of paper saves how many trees? 17 10 5
How green are you - 4 Recycling one ton of paper saves how many trees? 17 10 5
How green are you - 4 Recycling one ton of paper saves how many trees? 17 10 5
How green are you - 5 Which of these are NOT recyclable? Aluminum cans Water, juice and soda bottles None – the are all recyclable
How green are you - 5 Which of these are NOT recyclable? Aluminum cans Water, juice and soda bottles None – the are all recyclable
How green are you - 5 Which of these are NOT recyclable? Aluminum cans Water, juice and soda bottles None – the are all recyclable
How green are you - 5 Which of these are NOT recyclable? Aluminum cans Water, juice and soda bottles None – the are all recyclable
How green are you - 5 Which of these are NOT recyclable? Aluminum cans Water, juice and soda bottles None – the are all recyclable
You got 5 right! You are very green!!! WELL DONE !!!
You got 4 right! You are almost green!! WELL DONE !!
You got 3 right! You are a little green! Not bad at all !
You got 2 right! You are a bit green. Better late than never!
You got 1 right! You are little green. Let’s hope for the best!
Let’s do something before it’s too late! You got 0 right! You are not green at all. Let’s do something before it’s too late!