Right Service Right Time
You Don’t Meet Threshold
We will try to help
An Integrated Approach
Integrated Front Door Social Care Advisors. Team Support Officers. Social workers Social workers from early Help. Advanced Practitioner. Triage all incoming requests for Service.
Decisions Sign Post Early Help/Prevention Children’s Social care/District team MASH First Response
Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub Social workers Social workers from early Help Police Education Health Other relevant professionals/Virtual
Outcomes Early Help and Prevention First Response Children’s Social Care/District team
First Response New referrals which meet threshold for section 47 (CA 1989). Referrals from MASH where there is likelihood of significant harm. Undertake a visit to the child if required to establish threshold. Initiate section 47 strategy/enquiries
OUTCOMES Initial child protection conference Child in Need Early Help In all cases: Completed single assessment Transfer at initial conference or child in need meeting
Contact or referral? Contact is the form on Liquid Logic which records there is a concern and that child/family may need a service. Referral is the next stage in the process; it is the form in LL which says the threshold for a service under section 17/47 is met and opens the child to the Local Authority.
What we have learnt and need to do. Feedback to the referrer is often inconsistent. Give prompt feedback. Obtaining consent from parents or young people is often inconsistent. Consent should always be sought. Consistently share our data with those agencies who refer without the tools and who don’t apply the threshold. Any request for service that does not have the associated tool to support it – with the MARS –will be declined.