“AIM: Accelerating Instruction in Mathematics at Lorain County Community College” Dr. Rosa Rivera-Hainaj Dean, Science and Mathematics Bridges to Success – Update December 2, 2016
New Math pathways at LCCC as of summer 2016 Non-Calculus Track MTHM 041: Pre-Algebra PHLY 171: Introduction to Logic MTHM 121: Technical Mathematics MTHM 150: Art of Mathematical Thinking MTHM 158: Quantitative Reasoning MTHM 161: Math for Elementary Ed MTHM 168: Statistics MTHM 058: Foundations of Quantitative Reasoning Calculus Track Rosa Slides 39-42 MTHM 051 – MTHM 081: Beginning and Intermediate Algebra MTHM 171: College Algebra
Aim strategies Strategy #1: Co-requisite strategy for instruction of MTHM 171 – College Algebra Strategy #2: Co-requisite strategy for instruction of MTHM158 – Quantitative REASONING Strategy #3: Co-requisite strategy to lower the need for developmental education of high school graduates
Strategy #1: Co-requisite strategy for instruction of MTHm 171 – college algebra 13 sections of MTHM 171 scheduled in Fall 2016 – up to 30 students per section. Each class section has 2 supplemental instruction (SI) sessions associated with it. Students registered for 1 of the SI sessions (up to 15 students per SI session; non-optional). Students spend 2 hours per week in SI sessions; this is part of the students’ schedules. SI sessions are facilitated by peer mentors (former students of MTHM 171 recommended by instructors). Students complete short assessments (1 or 2 problem quizzes) in the SI sessions – providing feedback on student preparation to take tests. Status: data analysis will be completed upon the end of the Fall 2016 term.
Strategy #2: co-requisite strategy for instruction of Mthm 158 – quANTITATIVE REASONING MTHM 158 – Quantitative Reasoning, new course implemented in Fall 2016. MTHM 058 – Foundation of Quantitative Reasoning, new course implemented in Summer 2016. These two courses are part of a sequential co-requisite strategy. In Fall 2016, we offered 42 sections of MTHM 058 and 10 sections of MTHM 158. MTHM 058 is also the on-ramp course to MTHM 168 – Statistics. Status: data analysis will be completed upon the end of the Fall 2016 term. Faculty is working the logistics of offering the MTHM058-MTHM 158 pair of courses as co-courses in the same term.
Strategy #3: co-requisite strategy to lower the need for developmental education of high school graduates LCCC is working with high schools in the region we serve to ensure vertical alignment of mathematics curricula. Strategies include assessment of students early (sophomore, juniors) to find out their level of preparedness for college level mathematics courses and sharing of materials and resources. Work back with high schools administration and faculty to provide the on-ramping to the college level course, as needed. Status: Continue to meet with high schools stakeholders, sharing of curriculum and resources.