Role of the qualified expert
IAEA’s Basic Safety Standards (Sister document to IAEA’s Transport Regulations)
IAEA’s Basic Safety Standards Radiation Protection and Safety of Radiation Sources: International Basic Safety Standards for protecting people and the environment No. GSR Part 3 2011 General Safety Requirements (BSS) the objective of the BSS is to establish basic requirements for protection against ionising radiation the BSS takes account of: the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection
IAEA’s Basic Safety Standards Sister document to IAEA Transport Regulations – almost all use starts with transport – in relation to all transport BSS points out to Transport Regulations
BSS: qualified expert “An individual who, by virtue of certification by appropriate boards or societies, professional licences or academic qualifications and experience, is duly recognised as having expertise in a relevant field of specialisation …”
BSS: radiation protection officer “A person technically competent in radiation protection matters relevant for a given type of practice who is designated by the registrant, licensee or employer to oversee the application of relevant requirements”
Roles in practice Radiation safety in the medical uses of radiation: collegiate approach Referrer eg, GP Practitioner eg, radiologist Physical direction/radiation safety officer ie, medical radiation technologist Qualified expert ie, medical physics expert Radiation safety in non-medical uses of radiation: Radiation safety officer Qualified expert ie, radiation protection advisor, dangerous goods advisor
The role of the Medical Physicist Roles and Responsibilities, and Education and Training Requirements for Clinically Qualified Medical Physicists. IAEA Human Health Series No. 25 installation and design radiation safety (including regulatory compliance eg, transport regulations) radiation dosimetry quality management of physical and technical aspects
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Photo: IAEA Headquarters in Vienna, Austria Mailing address: P.O. Box 100 Wagramer Strasse 5 A-1400, Vienna, Austria Telephone: (+43-1) 2600-0; Facsimile: (+43-1) 2600 7 E-mail: