Top Tips for Facilitating Successful Moderation Generated by Moderation Leaders in 2016 Be prepared Be positive Be respectful Value the process Have a clear and structured protocol Create a collaborative culture - safe, respectful, inclusive Facilitate open and balanced communication Know the syllabus/course document Establish the standard as articulated in the course documents Ensure that the focus is on looking for evidence to justify the standard Moderate student work not students Be clear on the process for consensus Keep discussion on track Follow protocol time structures Listen to others
MODERATION MARCH 2017 (insert course name here) Curriculum Services Department of Education
Agenda Welcome (5 mins) Moderation of Work Samples (75 mins) Planning for Sep 2017 Moderation (10 mins) Info from Curriculum Services (5 mins) Sharing Resources /Teaching Strategies (15 mins) Course Support (10 mins) Close
Agenda (for two meetings in one - sequential) Welcome (5 mins) Moderation of Work Samples (M1) (45 mins) Moderation of Work Samples (M2) (45 mins) Planning for Sep 2017 Moderation (10 mins) Info from Curriculum Services (5 mins) Sharing Resources /Teaching Strategies (5 mins) Course Support (5 mins) Close
Acknowledgement of Country I’d like to pay respect to the Tasmanian Aboriginal community as the traditional and original owners and continuing custodians of this land; and acknowledge the Elders – past and present
Introductions Welcome to all participants from Catholic and Independent schools and Department of Education Schools and Colleges Attendance Minute keeper if available report can be entered immediately here: Introductions
Purpose of today’s meeting The primary purpose of today’s meeting is to: ensure comparability of standards across all Years 11 & 12 providers through the moderation of work samples Secondary purposes are to: plan for September moderation in 2017 meet and work collaboratively with teachers from all sectors, to share resources, strategies, and build relationships
Norms for Respectful Language Please always consider that a student has created the work to the best of their ability Please always consider that a teacher has assessed the work to the best of their ability Please use respectful language at all times Please refer only to the evidence in the work
Moderation of Work Samples (75 mins) Calibration Protocol This Protocol is used where teachers are assessing the same samples individually and gradually working to come to a whole group consensus on each of those samples. Initial assessments: Participants may have already made their assessments before the meeting – if so please allow teachers some time to re-read their work and re-familiarise themselves with the work. If not – they will need time to mark the work/assess the work for the first time now. Record anonymous initial results: Before any further discussion takes place – please pass around the collection sheet so that teachers can (anonymously) record their initial assessments. Small group consensus: Participants work in pairs or threes, where possible with people from different schools, to discuss and share the details of their assessment sheets. This is to ensure all teachers have a voice in coming to consensus. Teachers should share with each other both: what specific evidence they found in the work and what rating each element is assessed at their overall rating for the sample what evidence would need to be present to assess the work at a higher grade Whole group consensus: Participants come back as a group to try and come to consensus on the assessments for the samples assessed and record in the report a. what is the consensus of the majority for each element of the criterion(a) being assessed b. what is the consensus of the majority for an overall assessment of the criterion(a) being assessed c. any comments explaining what was in the work that led to each decision 5. Original teacher assessment (if available): original teacher or examiners’ assessments are shared with the group for discussion if available record any differences and comments. 6. Calibration and applying new understanding: Participants apply new shared understanding by assessing any further examples that are available.
Moderation of Work Samples (75 mins) Conferencing Protocol (where many people bring different samples) 1. Small group presentations and clarifying questions: - In small groups, a presenting teacher tables a piece of work for the group. - Participants are given time to read the description of task and read/view in light of criteria and elements assessed against - Participants take note of evidence in students’ work, in relation to criteria/elements assessed against 2. Clarifying Questions - Participants ask any clarifying questions - Presenting teachers answer questions, but do not refer to the rating that they have given the work 3. Assigning a rating: - Participants discuss and decide whether the evidence in the work is at above or below satisfactory in relation to the achievement standards A, B or C for each element being assessed (can use A+, A, A- etc.) - Based on the evidence and the discussion about the work in relation to the achievement standard the group seeks consensus in assigning an A to t grading for each element being assessed (can use A+, A, A- etc.) - The group seeks to assign an A to t overall rating (can use A+, A, A- etc.) based on the collection of element ratings - Participants describe and the Moderation Leader records any further evidence they would need to see in order for a higher grade to be given 4. Recording the decision of the moderation group: - After the moderation process and agreeing on a rating, record the rating for the report. Including: the rating given for each element The evidence in the work that decided the grade - The overall rating given for the piece - What would need to be evident in the student work in order for a higher rating to be given. 5. Repeat: a new individual can now table a piece of work to be discussed by the small group. Individuals can keep working in the original small groups or change around each time. Working in this way small groups can work through multiple samples. 6. Whole group discussion: Teachers come back as a group to share the results of their discussions and table any examples where consensus was not reached for further discussion with the group.
Moderation of Work Samples (75 mins) Folio Protocol (assessing a portfolio of work) 1. Read summary of tasks and view student portfolios: (30) mins Participants are given time to read the descriptions of the tasks Participants view/read work, in light of the criteria assessed against and achievement standards Participants take notes of evidence in students work, in relation to the criteria assessed against and the achievement standards 2. Clarifying questions (5 mins) Participants ask any clarifying questions Presenting teachers answer questions, but do not refer to the rating that they have given the work 3. Evidence found in the body of work that meets the C-standard: (15 mins) Participants share evidence from the entire portfolio that meets (at least) the C level achievement standard in each element of the criterion being assessed and note any significant gaps in the evidence (judgements need to be made across the entire portfolio, not on individual pieces of work and averaged) 4. Assigning a grade: (15 mins) Participants discuss and decide whether the evidence in the work is at above or below satisfactory in relation to the achievement standards A, B or C. (may use A+, A, A- etc.) for all considered elements Based on the evidence and the discussion about the work in relation to the achievement standard the group seeks consensus in assigning an A to C rating (may use A+, A, A- etc.) Participant describe and the Moderation Leader records any further evidence they would need to see in order for a higher grade to be given 5. Recording the decision of the moderation team: (10 mins) After the moderation process and agreeing on a rating, record the rating for the report. Including: The rating given, A, B, C or t The evidence in the work that decided the rating What would need to be evident in the student work in order for a higher rating A to t, to be given.
Planning for September Moderation (10 mins) If possible Moderation Leaders will have discussed this with their regional counterparts before the meeting. A statewide option is preferred – but not necessary. - If the person supplying the samples is not the Moderation Leader, please decide who will be responsible for providing the samples and what the focus will be and record their details for the report - Please note, all samples to be used in September will need to be submitted to CTLs or through the Years 11&12 website by the end of Term 2 (after midyear exams) - Please also note CTLs cannot take responsibility for providing samples – they can provide advice and support but samples need to be sourced from meeting participants - We continue to be extremely grateful for the goodwill and hard work of all the teachers who provide samples.
Information from Curriculum Services (5 mins) Formative Assessment PL - Online Teacher Learning Community (starts March 2017) Creative and Critical Thinking PL An Introduction (May 2017) Collaboration in Design Thinking (May – October 2017) Interdisciplinary Practices using Arts Pedagogies (Apr - Aug 2017) Fronter – many new course rooms available now - Login: flexible - Password: flexible Fronter courses will continue to be available throughout 2017 They will be migrated over to Canvas for use in 2018
Sharing Resources and Teaching Strategies (15 mins) Please share with the group any resources or teaching and assessment strategies that have been brought
Please complete the meeting report online here: by 5pm Friday 31st March
Course Support (10 mins) Please invite the group to provide details of any future focus and ways forward you would like Curriculum Services to consider in relation to this course. Please note that any issues to do with: External Assessment, Information Sheets, Audit, Quality Assurance meetings, Course Accreditation, Completion of Amendments etc. must be directed to TASC Liaison Officers and not to Curriculum Services – we are unable to respond to any information provided in these areas.
Farewell and Close Thank you to all participants for your participation in this valuable process – and particularly to the Moderation Leaders, without whom these days would not be so rich, professional or successful! Feedback is a vital part of continuous improvement - a link will be emailed to all attendees Thank you, enjoy the second session and have a safe journey home!
Department of Education Tasmanian Government Department of Education