Requirements Executive Overview Workshop Requirements Management Certification Training
Requirements Management Certification Training Mandate Per FY07 NDAA, Training Program Should Address (at minimum): Requirements, Budget, Acquisition Interrelationship Ensure early development of requirements Combatant Commander identified capability shortfalls Analyses of Alternatives, technical assessments, consultation with production engineers on cost, schedule, technical feasibility of requirements Mature technology, engineering feasibility, and achievable requirements Stable requirements “USD(AT&L), in consultation with the Defense Acquisition University, shall develop a training program to certify military and civilian personnel of DoD with responsibility for generating requirements” The 2007 National Defense Authorization Act tasked the Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics, and the Defense Acquisition University, to develop a training program to certify DOD personnel who have the responsibility to generate requirements for major defense acquisition program (MDAPs). This congressional mandate requires us to: Develop a competency-based requirements training program Sets a deadline of 30 Sep 2008, beyond which “a member of the Armed Forces or an employee of the Department of Defense with authority to generate requirements for a major defense acquisition program may not continue to participate in the requirements generation process unless the member or employee successfully completes the certification training program developed under this section.” This has been an effort led by the USD AT&L (Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics), DAU (the Defense Acquisition University), and which has engaged the all the Services and components across the department. We are meeting this congressional training mandate through a series of ongoing training. (Described on next slide.) OPTIONAL NOTES: Congress specified in the language some very prescriptive topics that include: (1) the interrelationship between the requirements, budget, and acquisition processes; (2) the importance of developing requirements that facilitate joint operations; (3) the need to ensure that requirements are developed early in a program and the adverse effect of introducing new requirements after the commencement of system development and demonstration; (4) the linkage between requirements and capability shortfalls identified by combatant commanders; (5) the need for sound analysis of alternatives, realistic technical assessments based on technology readiness levels, and consultation with production engineers on the cost, schedule, and technical feasibility of requirements; (6) the need for engineering feasibility assessments that weigh the technology readiness, integration, cost, and schedule impacts of proposed changes to requirements; (7) the importance of developing requirements that are technologically mature, feasible, and achievable; and (8) the importance of stable requirements to provide the baseline for successful program execution
RMCT Level Framework CLR 101 RQM 110 RQM 310 RQM 403 RQM 413 Introduction to JCIDS RQM 110 Core Concepts for Requirements Management RQM 310 Advanced Concepts and Skills RQM 403 Requirements Executive Overview Workshop RQM 413 Senior Leader Requirements Course 4 – 6 hours 18 – 24 hours 1 Week 1 Day Tailored A, B, C B, C C D (1-3 Star / SES) D (4-Star / Agency Head) Required Training Level Guidelines A Requirements Originators and Support – Contribute to Requirements generation and capability development in various capacities to include: Stating users’ needs, analysis, subject matter or domain expertise, document staffing and coordination, administrative support B Requirements Writers and Developers – Write requirements and requirements documents; Fill specific capacities to include: Lead study elements, adjudicate comments, facilitate document development and coordination across organizations C Requirements Core Expertise – Support the creation, staffing, or validation of requirements documents; Train others on “Big A” acquisition topics; Represent Services, Agencies, or CCMDs in requirements, acquisition, or resourcing forums; Support presentations at FCBs or at Service-level Requirements Councils D Requirements Validators and Prioritizors at the GO/FO/SES level – Validate and approve documents; Provide senior leadership and oversight of JCIDS analysis and staffing; Enforce requirements standards and accountability
DAU Curriculum & Certification Standards Level A Certification Level B Certification Level C Certification Level D Executive Certification Core Plus Courses Online 3-5 hrs. per Course CLR 101 Introduction to JCIDS RQM 110 Core Concepts for Requirements Management RQM 310 Advanced Concepts and Skills for Requirements Management RQM 403 Requirements Executive Overview Workshop 1-3 star GO/FO, SES RQM 413 Senior Leader Requirements Course 4-star GO/FO, Agency Head CLR 151 Analysis of Alternatives 4 - 6 hours online 18 - 24 hours online CLR 250 Capability-Based Assessments 1-week classroom Requirements originators and support Requirements writers and developers 1-day Classroom Tailored Desktop Discussion Requirements presenters and trainers Make decisions Set priorities Approve & Validate JCIDS Documents CLR 252 Developing Performance Attributes Core Courses – Mandatory for RM Certification Core Plus Courses (aka “Just-In-Time”) -- Not Required for Certification Unless Directed by Component Unlike the Defense Acquisition Workforce, the Requirements Management Certification Level A, B, C Construct is Rank/Grade Agnostic
DAU Requirements Courses Core + Core RQM 110 CLR 252 CLR 101 KPP s User Needs Full Rate Prod Decision Review MS A MS B MS C Capabilities - Based Assessment Materiel Solution Analysis Technology Maturation/Risk Reduction Engineering & Manufacturing Development Production & Deployment O&S Strategic Guidance Joint Concepts ICD MDD CDD CPD President SECDEF CJCS COCOMs AoA FCB Incremental Development CLM 041 Capabilities Based Planning has been replaced with CLR 101 Intro to JCIDS CLR 151 CLR 250 RQM 310 RQM 403 & 413
Big “A” Acquisition Big “A” Acquisition Small “a” Acquisition Resources (PPBE) Funding instability Insufficient resource trade space Budget not properly phased or of insufficient magnitude to support planned development Defense Acquisition System (DAS) Small “a” Acquisition Requirements (JCIDS) Immature technologies Inadequate systems engineering Inadequate requirements flow-down, traceability, or decomposition Insufficient schedule trade space Inadequate implementation of Earned Value Management System Lack of time and assets for testing To deliver capable, effective, efficient material solutions, Requirements Managers must understand “Big A Acquisition” which is the combination of the Requirements; Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution (PPBE); and acquisition processes. Program success depends on integrating the three components of “Big A Acquisition.” This course will help you in your executive oversight role in defining the requirements for future warfighting capabilities. While we are all committed to giving the warfighter the best possible solutions, there is often a gap in both experience and expectation between the warfighters on one hand and the acquisition and resource communities on the other. This may result in misinterpreted requirements and lead to systems which do not perform to the level required by the warfighter, cost too much, or are not delivered when needed. Shown on the chart are the major issue areas commonly associated with the three processes. Recent changes to the JCIDS Process, the better buying practice initiatives from the USD(AT&L), and the upcoming revisions the DoDI 5000.02, the Operation of the Defense Acquisition System, are all intended to better synchronize JCIDS, Defense Acquisition, and PPBE to resolve some of the highlight problem areas. Lack of JROC-validated requirements documents for basic program (ICD, CDD, CPD) Inadequate requirements for basic program and any increments Requirements “creep” Critical dependence on external programs with developmental issues Inter- and intra-departmental stakeholder coordination and support Synchronize JCIDS, DAS, and PPBE to deliver capabilities to the Warfighter
Today Tab 4 Tab 6 Tab 2 Tabs 3 and 5 Defense Acquisition Resources (PPBE) Tab 6 Defense Acquisition System (DAS) Requirements (JCIDS) Tab 2 Tabs 3 and 5
RQM 403 Agenda 19 Oct 2016 - Building 226 Conference Room Time Topic Speaker 0800 – 0815 Welcome & Introductions / DAU Overview (Tab 0) Maryann Watson 0815 – 0845 Requirements Management Training and Certification (Tab 1) Matt Ghormley 0845 – 0850 BREAK 0850 – 1015 Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System (JCIDS) (Tab 2) Randy Wood 1015 – 1030 1030 – 1230 Acquisition Before Milestone B (Tab 3) [Short break at 1130] Mike Holbert 1230-1245 BREAK / WORKING LUNCH 1245 – 1415 Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution (PPBE) (Tab 4) Deacon Hoen 1415 – 1430 1430 – 1630 Acquisition After Milestone B (Tab 5) [Short break at 1530] 1630 – 1645 Wrap up / RQM 403 Survey (Tab 6)