Managemente "Management is the process of designing and maintaining an environment in which individuals working together in groups efficiently accomplish selected aims."
From the above discussion we can conclude the following things - 1. Management as a system comprises of planning, organizing, and staffing leading and controlling. 2. Management is applied in any kind of organization. It is applied to managers at all organization level.
3. The aim of all managers is to create a surplus. 4. Managing is concerned with productivity, this implies effectiveness and efficiency. 5. Management identifies a special group of people whose job is to direct the effort and activities of other people towards common objectives.
Origin and evolution of Management Human has been living in the society since the beginning of the civilization. Management actually started its function since the beginning of the civilization. a. Modern age. b. Postindustrial revolutionary age. c. Industrial revolutionary age. d. Middle age. e. Ancient age.
Development of theo0ry and information, Modern age (1951-Present) Development of theo0ry and information, Development of management process Postindustrial revolutionary age (1841-1950) Initiation of scientific management Development, emergence of modern management. Industrial revolutionary age (1751-1840) Development of theory, technological invention, personnel management initiation, development of computer and mathematical model Middle Age (Christ-1750) Establishment of good state, setting standard leadership characteristics, Reduction of wastage and improvement of productivity Ancient age (5000 BC-Christ) Emergence of different civilizations and governance
Ancient period (5000 B.C) : Human started living in the society from the very beginning of the civilization. 1. Egyptian civilization : 5000B.C to 332 B.C was the period of Egyptian civilization when pyramid of various design were developed, which indicates the sign of managerial efficiency. 2. Babylonian civilization : Management was developed in the period of 3500 B.C to 332 B.C through the ascension of kings in the power of Babylon. The Babylonian king, Hammurabi, directed the state efficiently from 1792 B.C to 1750 B.C. Then he formulated a policy named "The code of Hammurabi" to govern the state.
3. Chinese civilization : This civilization was raised in 2100 B 3. Chinese civilization : This civilization was raised in 2100 B.C through Xia Dynasty and it was lasted till 220 B.C. "The art of war" a book written by Sun Zu says that, planning, direction and controlling of management were developed in this civilization. 4. Greek civilization : Greek civilization was formed from 800 B.C to 330 B.C. Socrates, Aristotle, Plato were the gift of Greek civilization. In this time, Socrates said, "Management is universal" 5. Roman civilization : This civilization started in 753 B.C through the establishment of Rome. 6. Vedik civilization : 1500 B.C to 900 B.C was the time of Vedik civilization.
Middle stage (Christ 1750A.C) : though in that time, there was no revolutionary change in management, the pioneer of Islam Hazrat Muhammad (sm). Establishment of ideal leadership. Initiation of partnership and joint venture. Wastage reduction and productivity : In 1500c Thomas Moor gave a theory about Wastage reduction and productivity in his book "Utompiya" which gave a great specialty to the management.
Industrial revolution period (1760-1840) : At the contemporary time of Industrial revolution technological invention brought a revolutionary change in the production sector. Theory invention Invention of technology Implementation of Employee-Worker management Development of Mathematics
Implementation of scientific Management After the industrial revolution (1842-1950) : After the industrial revolution there was continuous revolutionary change in the management. Implementation of scientific Management Implementation of modern management
Modern Stage (1951-Present) : In that time management was advancing with its own light. Besides some scholars named Abraham Maslow, McGregor, Bhrumo, P.F. Drakar, W.H. Newman, E.F Albrich, Tery, Franklin contributed a lot of developing the modern management concept.