Recognizing Personalized Learning Using Digital Badges October 16, 2015, 12:45 pm - 2:00 pm Brent Anderson Susanne Long Onslow County School System Handouts for this session can be found on the AMLE2015 app
What is a Digital Badge? A digital badge is a representation of a skill, learning achievement, recognition or experience. Each digital badge has its own distinctive image and recognition criteria. This criterion provides information about what the badge represents and the evidence used to support awarding.
Why digital badging? Badges are used to set goals, motivate, and communicate success. Badges can support learning that happens in new ways, in new spaces beyond the traditional classroom, either online or offline work. Badges can provide a more complete picture of learners' skills, achievements and qualities which can then be communicated. Traditional resumes may not clearly represent the type of training or the specific educational interests pursued outside of the classroom, even though the learned skill may benefit students.
What are the benefits of badging? Signals achievement and recognizes new skills. Transfers learning across environments and places. Supports specialization and innovation. Provides a clearer picture of learning and diversity. Builds community, culture and opportunity.
What kind of skills and accomplishments can be represented? Hard skills, i.e. products Soft skills, i.e. people skills New skills such as digital literacies Specific granular accomplishments Can serve as a digital record of workshop completion or Continuing Educations Units, CEUs
What kind of skills and accomplishments can be represented? Award badges to motivate and recognize achievement. Create badges aligned to standards, positive behaviors and more. Recognition of student academic accomplishments Accomplishments in certain standards and behaviors Digital bathroom/homework/etc. passes
How can badges be displayed? Earners can display their badges on email signatures; through QR codes; digital resumes, share via social networks, or through a “digital backpack.”
How can badges be displayed?
How can badges be displayed?
Keeping the Vision Alive…
How did we get started?
How were our badges created?
Gamification of Education Using the small group features of the Edmodo platform (or any platform where you can place students in groups) create games with different “levels” In each level, create differentiated tasks/quests that students can “unlock” through different achievements As students progress through the different levels, they open up new opportunities and can earn badges to show their accomplishments
What we have learned? Start small Develop a team Publicize Badging has unlimited potential.
VP-64 Session Evaluation CEU Code CEU Code: Let us know what you thought of this session. Complete an evaluation electronically on the conference app, or complete the paper evaluation located in the back of the program book. CEU Code Earn Continuing Education Units (CEU) to maintain your teaching certification. Write down the CEU Code for every session you attend on the CEU card located in the back of the program book. CEU Code: VP-64