Model Un: Conference preparation
What is a conference? Spend three days in a hotel out of the county; KnightMUN will be at UCF in Orlando Represent a country in a committee of the UN (World Health Organization, UNICEF, etc.) Participate in committee sessions: 2-4 hours of debate, discussion, and cooperative writing
Committee Requests Go to Input general information (name, phone, email, etc.) and your committee requests: Visit and chose the top three ”General Assembly” committees that interest you the most Pick a country (or two, or three) that you want to learn more about or that you think would be relevant to the committees you’ve selected Input your top three committee/country choices into the boxes like so: UNICEF/United States of America or WHO/Switzerland Requests are due by September 22 at 7 p.m.!!!!
Money and forms In order to attend, you will need to bring $175 in cash or a check (made out to Pine View School) to one of the club officers or Ms. Condiotte by September 27 Scholarships are available for those with financial needs: please contact the treasurer or assistant treasurer ( if you’d like to learn more Forms are also due by September 27th, and can be found at under “permission form” and “conference forms packet”. The packet has two pages that must be notarized, but it only needs to be filled out once for the whole year. A permission form will need to be completed for each conference.
Chaperones Visit if your parent would like to chaperone a conference Please reach out to the Logistics Coordinator ( if you are interested We need one chaperone for every ten students who attend a conference, so please encourage your parents to join us so that everyone can have the chance to participate! Parents will need to drive a 15-person vehicle for our first conference Expenses, including lodging and transportation, are payed for by the club: all your parents have to worry about is food!
How to prepare Once you receive a committee and country assignment, you’ll need to read the background guide found on the KnightMUN website, do some research on your country and how it is impacted by the issues at hand, and write a position paper that outlines your country’s stance on the problem, and potential solutions. Information on how to write a position paper can be found at You will also need three days worth of Western Business Attire (WBA); this is clothing worn in professional environments, like suits, ties, nicer dresses, blouses and skirts, and more. More info about WBA can be found at under the ”How To Dress” section A comprehensive packing list, including information about money and research materials, can be found at under the “Packing List” tab
What to expect Opening ceremonies: includes a guest speaker and introductions from the directors Five committee sessions of 2-4 hours You will be speaking, writing and collaborating with other delegates through both designated speeches about specific topics (moderated caucuses) and free-for-all discussions with the rest of the delegates in the committee (unmoderated caucuses) A big part of conferences is parliamentary procedure, the unique collection of words and procedures that are used in a committee. There is more information about this at under “Parliamentary Procedure” Closing ceremonies: awards are presented
Schedule Opening Ceremonies Friday, 6 pm- 8pm First Committee Session Second Committee Session Saturday, 8am- 12pm Third Committee Session 1:45pm- 5pm Fourth Committee Session 7:30pm- 9pm Delegate Social 9pm- ? Fifth Committee Session 9:30am- 11am Closing Ceremonies 12:30pm- 3pm
Outside of committee Spend time in a hotel with three of your friends Visit restaurants with the club; at KnightMUN we always take a club trip to Steak & Shake, and make a lot of visits to Wawa The Delegate Social: a dance/party at the end of the second day of committee