Thorsten Hellert studies on orbit response at FLASH Doktorand_innenseminar, 19.08.2011
table of contents motivation linear beam dynamics response matrix measurements simulation conclusion
motivation Linear Optics from Closed Orbits (LOCO) was written for NSLS to fit e.g. Imagnets, BPM gain, steerer gain, BPM displacement ... (1) today LOCO is used in over 30 storage rings (e.g. Petra III) can „LOOO“ be used to understand FLASH optics?
linear beam dynamics
linear beam dynamics transfer matrices
response matrix x s0 s1 beam s
response matrix x s0 s1 s
response matrix measurement x kick BPM s0 s1 s
response matrix measurement kick BPM 1 BPM 2 Θ1 s Θ x Θ1 BPM 1 BPM 2 x dΘ Θ1 dx dx Θ dΘ
measurements one BPM Δx in mm ΔΘ in rad
measurements one BPM Δx in mm ΔΘ in rad
measurements all BPMs systematic mismatch? Orbit response in mm/mrad wrong BPM gain? cross-wired BPM? s in m
simulation formalism Χ2 < 1 Χ2 > 1 find (a1 ... ak) that minimizes χ2
simulation SVD singular value decomposition (SVD) y‘ x‘ y y‘ y δy‘ δx‘ value of interest: δ σx' ≈ 10% σy' ≈ 90% x‘ σx ≈ 45% σy ≈ 55% σtotal ≈ σy‘
simulation numbers of interest mathematical goodness of fit physical goodness of fit
simulation | ΔIsim | number of iteration 'Q1.1UBC2‘ 'Q1.2UBC2‘
simulation | ΔIsim | number of iteration
noise: 1 | ΔIsim | noise: 0 number of iteration
simulation | ΔIsim | number of iteration
improvement of ≈10 after 3 steps
measurements all BPMs 61 quads changed by < 2% Orbit response in mm/mrad 61 quads changed by < 2% 4 ACCs changed by < 1% errors: 1mm/mrad noise: 1 mm/mrad s in m
conclusion to many free parameters to fit find „golden“ BPMs and steerers precise knowledge of machine is required χ2 is not meaningfull need more physics for algorithm no closed orbit solutions single shot maybe FLASH data is to disturbed for „LOOO“
thanks thanks for your attention
appendix +++ quad sensitivities
appendix +++ simulation +++ a=0,05
appendix +++ simulation +++ a=0,05
appendix +++ measurements +++ bad one!
simulation mean( | ΔIsim | ) number of iteration