Subarctic people
Climate/temperature The land is rough and the ground is frozen. This makes it hard for plants to survive. Summer is three months and winter is 9 months
Low in winter: -40 degrees High: 30 degrees in the summer
This is how the Cree must dress to endure the cold temperatures.
tools The subarctic tribes used very primitive tools like snares and bows to catch there food. The tools were very valuable to the subarctic people and they depended on them for shelter food and effective combat.
These tools were made of wood stone and bone.
diet The subarctic people ate wild berries Musk oxen Dear
music Cree sunrise song sunrise song The most commonly used instrument was a drum
The drums are made of hide and wood
housing These are all pictures of the subarctic homes . They all look different but they are all the same structure just made up of different materials. The homes have the same wooden frame but they can be raped in bark, hide or straw.
The homes were very small but easy to build and sealed in heat. The homes would not burn if a fire was lit inside.
The women gathered the hide for the walls and the men built the frame and structure
Tradition A tradition that is still practiced today by subarctic Cree is the vision quest. Eating and drinking is forbidden while on a vision quest
A man or woman leaves the tribe for 1 too three days to find them selves spiritually. This is a cure for many mental illnesses and different kinds of stress.
This picture represents how close a person is to there ancestors while on a vision quest.
info All my info was taken from , and my text book. All my images were taken from Google images.