Philosophy and Ethics A Level A. Martin Head of RE
Answer 3 essay questions on 3 of the topics AS Level Foundations Exam- 50% Ethics Utilitarianism Situation Ethics War and Peace Sexual Ethics Philosophy Design Argument Cosmological Argument Problem of Evil Miracles Answer 3 essay questions on 3 of the topics Investigations Exam- 50% You will be asked a question about medical ethics with reference to abortion.
A2 Developments Exam- 50% Implications Exam- 50% Ethics Philosophy Religion and Morality Natural Law Virtue Ethics Deontology Ethical Language Objectivity and Subjectivity Crime and Punishment Philosophy Ontological Argument Religious Experience Atheism Life After Death Religious Language Implications Exam- 50% You will be given an anthology of 3 essays and your exam will ask you about an excerpt of one of these.
Summary of A-Level Exams Foundations- 25%- 1 hour 45 minutes- May 2012 Investigations- 25% 1 hour 15 minutes- May 2012 Developments-25% 1 hour 45 minutes- May 2013 Implications- 25% 1 hour 15 minutes- May 2013
What types of questions? Essay based questions For example… (i) What are the main strengths of the cosmological argument for the existence of God? (21) (ii) To what extent is it reasonable to reject this argument? (9)
Book List Further Reading The Puzzle of God- Peter Vardy The Puzzle of Ethics- Peter Vardy Revision Resources Revision Express Religious Studies (A Level Revise Guides) by Sarah K. Tyler and Gordon Reid- 978-1405810517 AS/A Level Exam Revision notes. Second Edition. Sarak K Tyler