Is Virtue the Most Important Good?
This viewpoint is called virtue theory Some philosophers argue that good comes from improving your positive character traits and decreasing the negative ones This viewpoint is called virtue theory Virtues –good character traits such as: Truthfulness, generosity, courage, justice, discretion, conviction, friendliness, modesty Vices –bad character traits such as: Cowardice, cruelty, injustice, conceit
They see virtues as things that regulate extreme emotions, desires and behaviours For example, fear is a neutral human emotion, but to be too fearful could impede your ability to live a good life Courage (a virtue) helps you to overcome that fear However, too much courage (in which one acts before thinking) leads to foolishness (a vice)
Some virtue theorists argue that virtues are learned (eg people are not necessary born good but they are taught to be good) If they are not taught well, they will develop vices and come bad people Called moral education
The Ancient Greek and Roman Stoics Also taught that we should live virtuous lives The most important virtue, according to the Stoics, was to live life according to reason However, this should be universal reason NOT individual reason Believed there were universal virtues that exist apart from humans fr all time, such as intelligence, modesty and bravery
Aristotle Was a value theorist Aristotle was so respected that his views became one of the most important moral theories through the Middle Ages (500-1450) His Cardinal Virtues –courage, temperance, justice and wisdom St Thomas Aquinas, amongst others, adopted his work and added to it; Aquinas added faith, hope and charity to Aristotle’s cardinal virtues
The Enlightment Later, during the 18th Century in Europe (known as the Enlightment), moral philosophy expanded to focus more on the concept of “what is good” in terms of individuals’ roles and duties in society