Signs and Symptoms of Sexual Abuse. By Victoria hall and Ella power
Touching a child when told not to or when a child says no. Child sexual abuse includes touching and non touching activity some example of this are: Touching a child when told not to or when a child says no. Touching a child's genitals or private parts. Making a child touch someone else's genitals. Showing pornography to a child. This may make the child scared. Deliberately exposing an adults genitals to a child. Photographing a child in sexual poses. Encouraging a child to watch or hear sexual acts. Inappropriately watching a child undress or use the bathroom.
If a child is being sexual abused the child may act different there is a lot of ways a child may change their behaviour. The child may have nightmares or have sleeping problems as they can picture different things in their head. Becoming withdrawn or clingy Becoming unusually secretive Mood swings and seeming insecure The child may bed wet for attention Unaccountable fear or particular places or people Outburst of anger Changes in eating habits New adult words for body parts Self harm: cutting, burning etc. Physical signs: soreness, bruises, diseases, pregnancy Running away Not wanting to be alone
This is a video of the signs and symptoms of a child when they are getting abused and the outcomes in the future of the sexual abuse :
Outcomes of sexual abuse: Being depressed Nervous system Self harm Sexual health Withdrawn Being scared of a adult going near you