Objectives The importance of drying in pharmacy The differences between drying and evaporation Definition of drying Purpose of drying The names of different dryers used in pharmacy PH 101.57
Why do we dry the clothes? Why do we dry the green leaves or crude drugs? Why do we dry the washed vessels? Why do we dry the tablet granules? Why do we dry the bottles, glass apparatus after cleaning? PH 101.57
Importance of drying Drying is done to carry out size reduction Drying is done to avoid deterioration on storage Drying is done to dry the tablet granules to reduce the moisture Drying reduces the bulk and weight hence, less transportation charges Drying is done for certain preparations Ex: spray dried lactose PH 101.57
Definition It is defined as a process in which the liquid is removed from a material by the use of heat PH 101.57
Differences Drying Removal of less amount of moisture Drying occurs below boiling point Done to get a stable dry product Emphasize on solid product Evaporation Removal of large amount of liquid Evaporation occurs more at boiling point Generally done for concentration Emphasize on reducing the volume PH 101.57
Choice of method and equipment Used in drying are depends on: Physical characteristics of the product Thermolabile or not Nature of solvent used Quantity of the product Source of heat applied Economic factors PH 101.57
Types of dryers Dryers for dilute solutions, suspensions and slurries a) Drum dryer b) Spray dryer Dryers for damp solid materials a) Tray or shelf dryer b) Tunnel dryer c) Rotary dryer d) Fluidized bed dryers (FBD) e) Vacuum dryer f) Freeze dryer PH 101.58
Tray dryer Also known as cabinet or compartment dryer These are essentially hot air ovens Material spread in trays in thin layer In large scale, heating is done by forced circulation Fig: 58.1 PH 101.58
Material is over heated It is long duration process It is for batch process Material is over heated It is long duration process Loading and unloading, labour costs are more Fig: 58.2 PH 101.58
Truck dryer Trays are loaded on trucks (racks fitted with wheels) Loaded trucks are pushed and taken out of the drying chamber Convenient in loading and unloading of the material Fig: 58.3 PH 101.58
Vacuum dryer Also known as vacuum oven Consists of jacketed vessel Has to withstand vacuum in the oven and steam present in the jacket Oven and dryer can be loaded with air tight seal Connected to a vacuum pump through a condenser and receiver At a vaccum of 0.03 to 0.06 bar water boils at 350 C Fig: 58.4 PH 101.58
Advantages Very suitable for heat sensitive products Porous and friable product is obtained Valuable solvents can be recovered Fig: 58.5 PH 101.58
Disadvantages Heat transfer may be low and non uniform Limited capacity Labour and running costs are high Finely divided powder may be drawn into the vacuum pump Fig: 58.6 PH 101.58
Objectives Construction and working of fluidized bed dryer Advantages and disadvantages of fluidized bed dryer PH 101.59
Fluidized bed dryer (FBD) Gas is allowed to flow upward through a bed of material Velocity should be greater than the settling velocity of the particles Particles are lifted in the gas stream Fig: 59.1 PH 101.59
The mixture of solid and gas is fluidized Each solid particle is surrounded by drying gas Drying takes place at a shorter period Fig: 59.2 PH 101.59
Types of Fluidized bed dryers Vertical type fluidized bed dryer Used for batch process Horizontal type fluidized bed dryer Used for continuous drying PH 101.59
Fig: 59.3 PH 101.59
Fig: 59.4 PH 101.59
Vertical type Fluidized Bed Dryer Material to be dried is placed in Stainless Steel chamber having perforated bottom Drying chamber fitted with wheel facilitates for loading and unloading Filtered hot air passes through the bed with the help of induction fan PH 101.59
If the velocity of the air increases, the bed begins to expand Further increase in velocity causes rapid expansion Particles show a turbulent motion and “ fluidized ” Fig: 59.5 PH 101.59
Moist air is carried away quickly Efficient heat exchange takes place between individual particles and hot air Moist air is carried away quickly 5kg to 200kg can be dried in about 20-40 minutes Fig: 59.6 PH 101.59
Advantages These dryers are efficient and 15 times faster than conventional Tray dryers Drying takes place from the individual particle and not from the whole bed Heating time is short for thermolabile product PH 101.59
Advantages Free flowing product is obtained Due to short time, unit has high output Drying temperature is uniform PH 101.59
Disadvantages Due to turbulent action more fines are produced but, can be avoided by using suitable binders For too wet granules not suitable, as they stick together May develop electrostatic charges and can be avoided by earthing the unit PH 101.59
Objectives The principle of freeze drying The working of freeze dryer Advantages and disadvantages of freeze dryer PH 101.60
Freeze Drying It is also known as sublimation drying It is also known as lyophillization as the dried product has great affinity for water ( lyophillic = water loving) PH 101.60
Principle First the material to be dried is frozen in suitable container By connecting to a vacuum system, the vapor pressure is greatly reduced The temperature and pressure reduced to the values below the triple point Mild heat is supplied and the frozen ice sublimes directly to vapor state PH 101.60
Components of Freeze dryer Chamber for chilling the sample A vacuum source A heat source A vapor removal system Fig: 60.1 PH 101.60
Process It is carried out for batch process The product is frozen first by putting on a shelf circulating refrigerants After freezing, vacuum is applied to the chamber PH 101.60
Fig: 60.2 PH 101.60
Process is continued till a dry, spongy solid is obtained Mild heat is supplied to the product by electric coils or by circulating hot water Process is continued till a dry, spongy solid is obtained PH 101.60
Products to be freeze dried are sterilized and aseptically distributed into final containers Container kept open during the process and sealed immediately after drying process Fig: 60.3 PH 101.60
Advantages The product is light, porous with good solubility No chances of hydrolysis because, drying is at low temperature No chances of oxidation because of no contact with air Freeze dried products are more stable than vacuum dried product PH 101.60
Disadvantages Very expensive Time taking process Dried product is very hygroscopic and requires special packing precautions PH 101.60
Uses Mostly suitable for highly thermolabile products Used for drying biological products such as blood plasma, vaccines, enzymes, microbiological cultures, hormones and antibiotics PH 101.60