On behalf of the WP2 projectteam Positive health effects of the natural outdoor environment in typical populations of different regions in Europe WP2 Mechanism Assessment- a population based study in 4 European cities Hanneke Kruize (RIVM) On behalf of the WP2 projectteam www.phenotype.eu
Background WP2 Indications exist that close contact with nature brings benefits to human health and well-being. It may: increase levels of physical exercise increase the number of social contacts that people have reduce stress levels and mental fatigue reduce exposure to air pollution, noise and heat stress > positive effect on both physical and mental health
Source: Hartig et al., 2014 Source: Hartig et al., 2014
WP 2 SYNTHESIS Main Objectives: To explore the mechanisms underlying the relationship between the natural environment and health and well-being for different population groups and different levels of urbanity/rurality Research Achieved: Comparable data collected for almost 4000 people in 4 European cities using a variety of methods: GIS, audits, questionnaire survey, smartphone study, in-depth interviews
Research questions How can we explain the indications that close contact with nature brings benefits to human health and well-being? What quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the natural environment are important? How does the way people perceive the natural environment influence this association? What is the effect of time spent in the natural environment? Does it matter how important the natural environment is for people? How do potential mechanisms interact? Are there differences between subpopulations in these associations? Does the context in which it takes place matter?
Qualitative data (audit) Selection of study regions: Barcelona, Kaunas, Stoke-on-Trent, Doetinchem Selection of approx. 30 neighbourhoods varying in distance to greenspace and SES Data collection in population sample of each city Characterisation of the natural environment Questionnaire survey (n=1000) Quantitative data (GIS, remote sensing, aerial photography) CALFIT/GPS/EMA/diary (n=100) Qualitative data (audit) In-depth interviews (n=20)
WP 2 SYNTHESIS Main conclusions (methods) Combination of methods produced a rich set of data Ambitious fieldwork Innovative (e.g. smartphones) Not all data used yet (e.g. more detailed GIS information, greenscape audit data)
WP 2 SYNTHESIS Main conclusions Having green and blue space in your surroundings is important for people People spend most time in the natural environment nearby More time spent in the natural environment is associated with higher mental health scores, higher frequency of social contacts and more physical exercise The way people perceive the natural environment is stronger & more consistent associated than the quantitative characteristics of the natural environment Perceived quality characteristics of natural environments (“variety in terms of plants and water”, “familiarity”, “colour” and “sound) seem to influence restoration of stress
WP 2 SYNTHESIS Main conclusions (continued) If people visit a natural environment is determined by a broad set of indicators, including their age, having young children, owning a dog, perceived quality and perceived quantity, a.o. things For people with a low educational level contact with nature may be more beneficial than for people with a higher educational level There are clear differences between the four cities. In the densily populated Barcelona some stronger effects than in the other greener cities The mechanism is complex and should be considered in a wider (personal/physical/social/cultural & climate) context
WP 2 SYNTHESIS Take home messages Providing attractive and accessible natural environments nearby may improve health, in particular for specific groups such as the lower SES and in densily populated cities. Presence and size of the natural environment are not the only things that matter. Quality aspects are important as well It is also important to know how people perceive the natural environment and why they use a natural environment or not There are differences between cities. Therefore creating healthy designed natural environment requires knowledge about the local context > involvement of local stakeholders and citizens needed
Contact: Hanneke.Kruize@rivm.nl Thank you! Contact: Hanneke.Kruize@rivm.nl
(Planned) papers Main papers: Mechanisms underlying the relationship between the natural outdoor environment and health and well-being in diff. populations in Europe Characterization of the natural environment: quantitative indicators across Europe Access to/use of the natural outdoor environment in different populations in Europe To evaluate the agreement between questionnaire data & smartphones data in regards to frequency, duration of use/visits to natural outdoor environment, and type of natural outdoor environments visited" Use and perceptions of natural environments in different regions of Europe: an international qualitative comparison …and 17 other planned papers!