Achieving outcomes Ellen Atkinson (NDTi) Southend-on-Sea March 2016.


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Presentation transcript:

Achieving outcomes Ellen Atkinson (NDTi) Southend-on-Sea March 2016

Purpose of the session Understand what’s needed in Southend to ensure young people can achieve meaningful lives Southend Transition Protocol What works What’s your role? Next steps? 2 2

The Reform agenda created by the Children and Families Act 2014 Extension of the SEN framework to 25 Includes further education as well as schools Key principles: Person centred approach Emphasis on outcomes and preparing young people for adulthood Code of Practice Chapter 8 - Preparation for Adulthood from the earliest years The old system did not work for families and children: Children with SEN had their needs picked up late; Very different system between school & FE which did not carry forward the rights and protections that existed in the SEN system in schools. Parents didn’t know what they could expect their local school, college, LA & local services to provide, without having to fight for it

Thinking about outcomes, why does it matter? Young people with SEND do less well than their peers at school and college and are more likely to be out of education, training and employment at 18. Schools and colleges can focus too much on the SEND label rather than meeting the child’s or young person’s needs, and do not focus on achieving meaningful life outcomes. Families should know what support is available from education, health and social care services Staff need knowledge, understanding and skills to provide the right support for children and young people who have SEND Aspirations, for children and young people are raised through an increased focus on life outcomes.

What should providers be doing? A lead should be overseeing implementation of the reforms. The college should be working closely with local authorities and be reflected in the Local Offer. Colleges should be using flexibility offered by 16-19 study programmes to tailor packages for YP with SEND. The college should be developing partnerships with schools to support transition planning. Sessions should be held to ensure all staff are aware of the new SEND Code of Practice and how it affects them. All young people with SEND and their parents should be aware of the reforms and what they mean for them. Colleges should be considering workforce development needs– e.g. developing person-centred planning. Colleges should be working with local authorities on the EHC assessment and planning process. Colleges should be developing links to support the employment and independent living pathways.

Aspirations Pathway -09 Birth 4 years 7 years 11-14 years 14 plus…. Health visitors GPs Midwives Family Portage Children’s Centres Nurseries Play groups Health visitor Therapists Paediatricians Counsellors Social Worker School SEN support EHCp Reviews Pastoral care School change? Early introduction regarding work Secondary transfer Review planning Pastoral care Vocational profile Supported Work experience Independence training internship Paid work

To consider how provision does or does not currently promote outcomes to help children and young people progress towards their next stage of: Progress towards higher education and/or employment Independence Participating in society Healthy living

Involvement of children, young people and parents in decision making and the development of the local offer.

Get to know the young person and understand what is To do this well we need to: Get to know the young person and understand what is and for

Understand his or her aspirations How does the young person (and their family) want/expect to live and spend their time in the future? Useful to think in terms of the 4 PfA outcomes to help frame your thinking about the implications for the study programme

To do it well we need to Focus on the young person’s strengths and capabilities Understand the curriculum implications of supporting better outcomes

Develop post 16 provision and support that lead to good life outcomes 12 15

Develop post 16 options that lead to paid employment Work closely with schools to support transition (paras 8.22 - 8.28) Based on young people’s aspirations (para 8.9) Start early (Para 8.8) Create flexible packages Linked to all aspects of life and five day packages Build on the best of mainstream provision and discrete provision – learn from each other Study Programmes (Paras 8.32-8.40) Supported Internships we-do/supported-internships Embedding work experience Working closer with schools can help colleges to ensure their curriculum offers progression beyond school and not repeat learning Test out options of joint curriculum, young people can make a better transition by having a mixed package of learning that is school and college based initially. MUST start early to talk to young people to understand demand and plan and commission the local offer based on demand Work experience is crucial for young people to learn about work, both in school and college. 17 13

Things to consider…. What’s working for young people? Does the local offer meet demand? How do we inform commissioning priorities and provider development? How do we capture data? Do we need to make changes? e.g the curriculum Who do you need to work with? Are there gaps? Workforce development? How will we know things are working? Time to consider how provision does or does not currently promote outcomes to help children and young people progress towards their next stage of: Progress towards higher education and/or employment Independence Participating in society Healthy living Thinking about - Does the curriculum help young people be prepared for the next step? Understand the importance of person centred reviews and EHCps Are you working closely with you local authority colleagues to develop the local offer? 14

New Preparing for Adulthood graphic. Focus on the partnerships and how we have to work together to implement the reforms. Preparing for Adulthood starts early!!!

So what does this mean for outcomes? Person centred - describe the person Focus on improving life outcomes – life span approach Raising aspirations and sharing expectations Multi agency - overarching but clear who does what Will change over time and develop Workforce will need to know how to write outcomes and deliver evidence based practice Young people and families – MCA and supported decision making Benefit or difference made as a result of intervention Is personal, not expressed from a service perspective Is something you have influence/control over Is measurable and specific Is something that is a benefit or difference to the individual Does it keep something that is working? Change something that isn’t working? Does it move towards a future you want?

Preparing for Adulthood Contact us: Email: Web: FB: Twitter: @PfA_tweets Phone: 0207 843 6348 Contact: Ellen Atkinson Email: Mobile: 07875 145931 38 17