Methods of preparing Internet based tasks for English lessons Umurzakova Aigerim Galimtayevna
Nowadays the problem of the use of innovational technologies in High schools is considered to be important. The main aim of teaching English is to develop students’ communicative competence and skills of using language in practice. While the main task of any teacher is to create proper atmosphere for learners. That is to say, teachers should provide the learners with appropriate methods, innovational techniques, projects and new information, so that students can show their creative activities. And Internet sources, taking into account students’ skills and experience, help to identify their individual peculiarities.
For what purposes do we use computers in teaching English? For acquiring lexis For developing dialogue and monologue For developing speaking skills For teaching grammar For teaching project works
The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet protocol suite to serve billions of users worldwide. It is a network of networks that consists of millions of private, public, academic, business, and government networks, of local to global scope, that are linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless and optical networking technologies So, when we speak about the Internet, we do not mean the physical network itself, but the worldwide network and the Information that it contains.
The internet is the way of getting information about the latest news of the world. It helps teachers to provide learners with news, and make them analyze. For an instance, nowadays, many newspapers have their websites. And they are divided into several thematic sections such as news (culture and art, business, economics and so on), sport, advertisement, weather forecast, etc. Students are aware of what is going on in the world through Web newspapers, radios and channels. They can not only watch, listen to or read the news, but they can also contact with the authors online, and express their opinions about the news. Students can work on different articles in groups of three or two. This method will help to develop students’ interest and activity in English. They can also make their own projects or write essays on the articles. After every accomplished task, teachers should organize discussions, debates or conferences.
The example of WEB newspaper 1 2 3 4
Email is the easiest way of exchanging messages Email is the easiest way of exchanging messages. Using this type of communication, some teachers made the following conclusion: Students can work in groups of three or two without any teacher’s monitoring. If they discuss the theme they are interested in, their work will be more effective; The process of writing will also change, i.e. they will try not to make mistakes and they will consult each other; Through Email students can independently express their opinion.
D.Teeler and P.Gray propose the following steps of tasks’ preparation: To define tasks that are not interesting for students; To define the drawbacks of the tasks and to try to improve them through the Internet sources; When the topic of the lesson is decided, the following step is to work with websites. We cannot take any website, they should be chosen according to some criteria. The choice of the websites is dependent on the themes of the lessons. After the website is chosen, the lessons are planned
So, the preparation of Internet based tasks consists of three steps: Preparation – to develop speaking skills, to be able to use background knowledge, to read words, to introduce the theme. Work with the sources in the Internet – to work with the Internet searching programs, read and write, to search for special information and to write them down in their papers, to find answers for questions, and so on. Students should know what they have to do and how much time they are given. Work without the Internet - to exchange with the taken information, and to discuss what they found out or saw during working with the internet.
Icons project
References Johnson L. Internet Options in the Classroom. // Полилова Т.А., Пономарева В.В. Внедрение компьютерных технологий в преподавание иностранных языков. // ИЯШ. – 1997 Клейман Г.Б, Леонов А. Г, Кузьменко М.А Что Такое Интернет? Информационные и коммуникационные технологии в образовании 1998 Teeler D., Gray P. How to use the Internet in ELT. – London: Longman Updated 4 April 2006
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