Is Big Brother Watching. Mrs. Puder INRW 0420 (T/R 8-10 a. m Is Big Brother Watching? Mrs. Puder INRW 0420 (T/R 8-10 a.m.) Group Controversial Issue PP Slides Presentation Fall 2015
Controversial Issue Police Thirty Day Use of Electronic Tracking Devices To Gather Information on Potential Suspects
Important Terms Defined and Background and History GPS (Global Positioning System) The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a navigation and precise-positioning tool. It was developed by the Department of Defense in 1973.
Background and History Continued Originally Designed to: Assist soldiers, military vehicles, planes, and ships in accurately determining their locations world-wide.
Background and History Continued Today, GPS is used Commercially and scientifically: Commercially as a navigation and positioning tool in airplanes, boats, cars, and for almost all outdoor recreational activities such as hiking, fishing, and kayaking.
Background and History Completed Scientifically: Meteorologists use it for weather forecasting and global climate study. Geologists can use it as a highly accurate method of surveying and in earthquake studies to measure tectonic motions during and in between earthquakes.
Important Questions Answered Who Does the Topic Affect? The topic affects any person suspected of committing a crime. Why Is the Topic Important? The topic is important since police can put an electronic device on a suspect’s car without a warrant and follow him for thirty days which many citizens do not know can happen to them.
Pro’s Allows the police to collect information on people suspected of crimes Allows the police to follow hard to catch criminals Saves money and manpower Helps the police to protect society
Con’s Police Should Have To Get a Warrant Is an Invasion of Privacy Information Collected Can Be Given To Others Suspect Hasn’t Committed a Crime Yet
Position Should the police be able to affix an electronic tracking device to a suspect’s car without a warrant and follow him for a month? Yes or No Only – Don’t Ride The Fence Yes, the police should be able to affix an electronic tracking device to a suspect’s car without a warrant and follow him for a month.
Argumentative Thesis (Pro) When the police are able to affix an electronic device to a suspect’s car without a warrant, it is able to collect data, save manpower hours, and protect society. Specific Thesis
Introduction Ideas Ask questions What is GPS? How long has it been in existence? How long have police been using it to collect data on suspects? Discuss Historical and Current Cases Involving the Police and Using GPS with Suspects Discuss Why This Topic is Important and Who It Affects State Thesis Statement
Methods of Appeal To Support Thesis Statement Logical Appeal Examples, Details, Statistics of Data Collection and Manpower Hours Saved
Methods of Appeal To Support Thesis Statement Emotional Appeal Cases of Hard To Caught Criminals (Drug Dealers, Child Molesters, Terrorists, etc.) Where the Police Have Successfully Used GPS to Protect Society
Conclusion Ideas Use a Quotation Present a Powerful Image Suggest Implications for the Future