Iowans need an increase the Minimum Wage (And why you should care)
Raising the minimum wage in Iowa ($10 Raising the minimum wage in Iowa ($10.10 an hour): 216, 000 would be directly affected. 58% would be female, 42% would be male. 82,000 are children with one affected parent. Most - 145,000 – of the affected Iowans have at least a high school education.
Minimum Wage has not kept pace with inflation Minimum Wage has not kept pace with inflation. In fact, if the federal minimum wage kept up with inflation it would be $10.75 an hour, not the $7.25 it is today.
Raising the minimum wage helps our economy Raising the minimum wage helps our economy. Studies have shown that increasing the minimum wages doesn’t damage job growth—in fact, the opposite is true. Employment increased as did consumer spending in the years following an increase.
Income Equality keeps growing Income Equality keeps growing. “We can either have democracy in this country or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can’t have both.” –Louis Brandeis U.S. Supreme Court Justice (1856-1941)
This is a real sign, being held by an Koch Brothers’ super pac Staff member, this year, in your state capitol. He did not want his face in this picture.
WHY? Because we are already subsidizing poverty wages with public assistance and tax dollars.
HF 2011 would raise the minimum wage in Steps to $10 HF 2011 would raise the minimum wage in Steps to $10.10 by July 1, 2016. SF 2039 would increase the wage in steps to $10.25 by July 1, 2016.
Iowa Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO $7.25 is not enough. Raise the Minimum Wage Iowa Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO