OF FUNDRAISING/PARTNERSHIP CAMPAIGN FOR A MAJOR PROJECT EMME Euro-Mediterranean and Middle East Summer school for science communication SETTING UP A STRATEGY OF FUNDRAISING/PARTNERSHIP CAMPAIGN FOR A MAJOR PROJECT CITTA DELLA SCIENZA - NAPLES 10 – 15 september 2017 Alain COINE General Delegate of « Universcience Partenaires » Wednesday 25 september 2013
WORKSHOP PROCESS Introduction and presentation of the workshop process by Alain Coine (10 mn) Setting up groups (teams of 7 to 8 persons) (5 mn) Each group will work one of the specific topics (45 mn) : A leader and a reporter will be nominated among the team Alain Coine and Roger Rocca Serra, at the request of any group, will help and accompany the work of the team A jury of experts including Alain Coine and Roger Rocca Serra will be introduced (5 mn) Each group will present to the jury their work, answered questions and exchange with experts (40 mn) Overall remarks of the jury (10 mn) Conclusions by Alain Coine (5 mn)
Creation of a new science center from scratch or to complete renovation of an existing science center How to handle the fundraising/partnership approach Present your project (key points, key figures …) Indicate what benchmarking you have done or you intend to do (why, how, where … conclusions) Describe the main elements of your fundraising / partnership plan (strategy, challenges …) Make a list of your main targets (types, how to approach them …) Indicate the main necessary tools and means to successfully launch and achieve your fundraising/partnership campaign Please focus on various partners and donors : governemental bodies, companies, foundations, individuals
Creation of a major new exhibition about Energy in an existing science center How to handle the fundraising/partnership approach Present your project (key points, key figures …) Indicate what benchmarking you have done or you intend to do (why, how, where … conclusions) Describe the main elements of your fundraising / partnership plan (strategy, challenges …) Make a list of your main targets (types, how to approach them …) Indicate the main necessary tools and means to successfully launch and achieve your fundraising/partnership campaign Please focus on companies