Management by Competencies Summary
Previously on MbC Synergy Activity Order Trust Integration Person (human resources bearer) Qualities (the way we are) Attitudes (what we want, what we believe in) Abilities (what we know and can do) altruism oppression egoism self-destruction Me=0 You=0 Cooperation Me>0, You>0 Me=You value co-creation Competition Me>0, You<0 Me=-You claiming Destruction Me<0, You<0 destruction Yielding Me<0, You>0 offering Passivity Me=0, You=0 DYNAMICS STABILITY EFFECTIVITY USEFULNESS Integration Synergetization Habilitation Motivation Orientation Definition Synergy Activity Order Trust Processes Products Services Customers Clients Money Resources PV215 - 13
Agenda Theory of vitality Theory of constraints Competency rule pyramids interaction Theory of constraints Competency rule Roles and tasks Troubleshooting Management by Competencies PV215 - 13
Strategy: Theory of vitality crisis Dynamics Stability Effectivity Usefulness Integration Synergetization Habilitation Motivation Orientation Definition eqi. activity stability acceptation processes resources structures tasks subjects needs products PV215 - 13 (C) J. Plamínek
Tactics: Theory of Constraints Dynamics? no yes no Dynamics! Stability! Consultation! yes Stability? Usefulness? yes no no Effectiveness! Usefulness! yes Effectiveness? (C) J. Plamínek PV215 - 13
Competency rule Every success or failure of any company corresponds to the competencies of people responsible for company performance (R. Fišer) competence= resources + labor (C) J. Plamínek PV215 - 13
Roles and tasks Role of Leader Role of Manager Role of Performer strategic frame monitoring goals ways tasks evaluation internal resources products PV215 - 13 (C) J. Plamínek
Leadership tasks PV215 - 13 2 tasks strategic frame definition strategic frame “selling” PV215 - 13
define tasks and competencies Managerial tasks tasks 12 define products define processes define resources define structures define feedbacks define feedfwds define tasks and competencies orientate people motivate people habilitate people synergetize people integrate people PV215 - 13
provision of special resources Performer tasks 3 tasks performance provision of special resources care of own resources PV215 - 13
The Elements of Strategic Frame Business hypothesis Mission Vision Strategy Values and Rules (C) J. Plamínek PV215 - 8
Operational Strategic Interval Strategic continuum Strategic frame Business hypothesis Mission Vision Strategy Values and Rules Operational Strategic Interval First DSI* Second DSI* Third DSI* Leaders (define strategy) defined defining training resources Managers (design processes) - Workers (performance) realizing * DSI – Developing Strategic Interval here and now (C) J. Plamínek PV215 - 8
Troubleshooting cycle competency rule I S H M O D pyramid of culture functional model ! theory of constraint ! theory of constraint What When Who D S E U realization project (C) J. Plamínek pyramid of vitality PV215 - 13
Management by Competencies Methodology Tactics Strategy competency rule ! theory of constraint D S E U I H M O theory of vitality PV215 - 13 (C) J. Plamínek
Balanced Score Card Example Template TOP management financial indicators revenues -> profit/loss <- costs management of and marketing sales primary process, management of development, logistics, IT, ... customer indicators number of new customers average size of order new products ratio number of loyal customers ... internal processes indicators average time to market number of complaints – quality product cost service innovation pace ... arrows stands for causality relationships learning and growth indicators competencies/resources abilities attitudes qualities all managers PV215 - 9 Balanced Scorecard
Conclusion Importance of competencies Pyramids and their relationships How to control company development When to use MbC PV215 - 13