Unit I Flashcards
Chinese Exclusion Act Review #1 Chinese Exclusion Act Review 1882 law that effectively barred Chinese immigration and set a precedent for further immigration restrictions. MARK FOR REVIEW SHOW NEXT
Comancheria #2 Review Indian empire based on trade in horses, hide, guns, and captives that stretched from the Canadian plains to Mexico in the 18th century. MARK FOR REVIEW SHOW NEXT
Dawes Allotment Act Review #3 Dawes Allotment Act Review 1887 law that divided up reservations and allotted parcels of land to individual Indians as private property. MARK FOR REVIEW SHOW NEXT
Ghost Dance Review #4 SHOW NEXT Religion founded in 1889 by Paiute shaman Wovoka that combined elements of Christianity and traditional Indian religion and served as a nonviolent form of resistance for Indians in the late 19th century. MARK FOR REVIEW SHOW NEXT
#5 Gilded Age Review A period of enormous economic growth and ostentatious displays of wealth during the last quarter of the 19th century. MARK FOR REVIEW SHOW NEXT
Gospel of Wealth Review #6 Review The idea that the financially successful should use their wisdom, experience, and wealth as stewards for the poor. It was promoted by Andrew Carnegie. MARK FOR REVIEW SHOW NEXT
Jim Crow Review #7 SHOW NEXT System of racial segregation in the South lasting from after the Civil War into the 20th century. Jim Crow laws segregated African Americans in public facilities such as trains and streetcars, curtailed their voting rights, and denied other basic civil rights. MARK FOR REVIEW SHOW NEXT
Social Darwinism Review #8 SHOW NEXT A social theory popularized in the late 19th century by Herbert Spencer and William Sumner. Proponents believed only relentless competition could produce social progress and wealth was a sign of “fitness” and poverty a sign of “unfitness” for survival. MARK FOR REVIEW SHOW NEXT
#9 Trust Review A system in which corporations give shares of their stock to trustees who hold the stocks “in trust” for their stockholders, thereby coordinating the industry to ensure profits to the participating corporations and curb competition. MARK FOR REVIEW SHOW NEXT
Wounded Knee Review #10 SHOW NEXT 1890 massacre of Sioux Indians by American cavalry at Wounded Knee Creek, South Dakota. Sent to suppress the Ghost Dance, the soldiers opened fire on the Sioux as they attempted to surrender. MARK FOR REVIEW SHOW NEXT