Teaching Methods
Factors influencing math abilities Psychological factors such as intellectual abilities, cognitive abilities (including perception/memory/working memory etc.) and behavioral factors such as distractibility Education factors such as area of mathematics (computation, problem solving, time, estimation, perception) Personality factors such as persistence, self-concept, and attitudes towards mathematics
Cognitive factors Perceptual skills –visual/auditory perception, time/estimation, distances Perseveration- task shifting/multiple operations Language- presenting unnecessary words Memory Working memory--- also susceptible to distraction
Math Interventions Elementary grades Pre-math skills One to one correspondence Grouping/sorting objects Seriation-sequencing Numeration
Math Interventions Elementary grades Math skills Number concepts Computations Time, Money, estimation, Functional math
Strategies that work in Elementary grades Manipulatives Computer assisted programs Daily activities that include math Touch math Peer –assisted programs Cross age, matched age Calculators Using games Highlighting Active response strategies Combining movement with math Error Analysis
Strategies that work in Elementary grades Time Sequencing events Identify which events take longer Calendar activities with visuals Hands of a clock Identifying minutes on the clock Reading time, both digital and regular clock
Elementary Math facts Worksheet generators http://bridges1.mathlearningcenter.org/resources/blog/2009/10/addition-and-subtraction-fact-strategy-posters Worksheet generators http://www.interventioncentral.org/teacher-resources/math-fluency-generator-math-for-kids
Strategies of secondary school Error analysis in math problem solving Cognitive strategies Read, paraphrase, visualize, hypothesize, estimate, compute, and check your answer Sequencing steps in math problems Math vocabulary drills Functional math Schema-based instruction