Introduction to Cardiovascular System Clinical Science Team School of Nursing and Midwifery
The Heart and blood vessels Learning outcomes: State component and functions of cardiovascular system State the components and functions of circulatory system Label a diagram of the heart, indicating its gross anatomical features State the function of the heart and blood vessels State the function of the right and left sides of the heart State the function of the valves within the heart Describe the blood flow through the heart Outline the hearts electrical conduction pathway Describe the pressure changes that occur in the ventricles during the cardiac cycle Outline the neural and hormonal control of the heart
Cardiovascular System Components Circulatory system Pulmonary system (Respiratory system) Lymphatic System (will be covered later)
Circulatory System Heart Arteries and arterioles Capillaries Pumps blood Arteries and arterioles Carry blood away from heart Capillaries Exchange nutrients with tissues Veins and venules Carry blood toward heart Blood Act as transport medium - carries substances & gases
Systemic and Pulmonary Circuits Systemic Circuit Left side of heart Pumps oxygenated blood to body via arteries Returns deoxygenated blood to right heart via veins Pulmonary Circuit Right side of heart Pumps deoxygenated blood to lungs via pulmonary arteries Returns oxygenated blood to left heart via pulmonary veins
Functions of the Circulatory System The circulatory system has the following main functions: 1. Transportation 2. Regulation 3. Protection
Functions of the Circulatory System Transportation: Respiratory: transports oxygen to the tissues and carbon dioxide back to the lungs Nutritive: Absorbed digested products are transported to the liver and to tissues Excretory: Waste products from metabolism are transported to the kidneys for excretion in urine
Functions of the Circulatory System Regulation: Hormonal: Hormones are carried from the endocrine glands to their target tissues Temperature: The blood can be diverted to warm or cool the body
Functions of the Circulatory System Protection: Clotting: Blood contains clotting factors and platelets- when activated prevent blood loss through clot formation Immune: Blood contains leucocytes (white blood cells), cytokines, and complement which protects against infective pathogens