Chapoñán Casiano, Janet M. Rivera Villegas, Priscila F. Interpreting Chapoñán Casiano, Janet M. Rivera Villegas, Priscila F.
Interpreting vs. translating Usually is writing transmission Usually the interpreter is direct witness the source speech usually consult different sources (dictionary, glossaries, similar texts, forums, etc.) It may be physically or audiovisual transmission. common mistake in translating is word by word. a standard fidelity and accuracy applies different to translation. the intense intellectual activity of interpreter requires shift work.
Interpreting Techniques It is important to distinguish between techniques and modalities. Techniques: it means different activities involved in the process Modalities: it deals with the communicative context and social situation. Simultaneous: the interpreter renders the message in the target-language as quickly as he or she can formulate it from the source language, while the source-language speaker continuously speaks (sound-proof, speaks into a microphone, earphones.) 2. Consecutive: the interpreter speaks after the source-language speaker has finished speaking. The speech is divided into segments; When the speaker pauses or finishes speaking, the interpreter then renders a portion of the message or the entire message in the target language.
3. Whispered: (chuchotage, in French) the interpreter sits or stands next to the person or people requiring interpretation Without electronic equipment, chucotage is tiring as the interpreter's posture is affected. 4. Relay is usually used when there are several target languages. For example, a Japanese source message first is rendered to English to a group of interpreters, who listen to the English and render the message into Arabic, French, and Russian, the other target languages. 5. Liaison Liaison interpreting involves relaying what is spoken to one, between two, or among many people. This can be done after a short speech, or consecutively, sentence-by-sentence, or as chuchotage (whispering); aside from notes taken at the time, no equipment is used.
History Interpretation is the second oldest profession in the world, the technique used is traditionally bilateral or consecutively. A historical personage is La Malinche, noble Mexican managed to communication between native Mexican and Spanish conquerors of Mexico. AFTER YEARS 1920 IN THE TWENTIETH CENTURY , the first experiments were made simultaneous translation, this was used intensively during the Nuremberg trials. Consecutive interpreting is not only used in congresses, conferences and even radio diffusion but is beginning to be used in conference calls and videoconferencing.
where interpreters work? professional conference interpreters: They work full time for international organizations United Nations, European Union and the African Union. The interpreters also can work like freelance interpreter in their region, local communities through a interpreters agency. where interpreters work?