sample presentation By Mr. Shumaker William Harvey sample presentation By Mr. Shumaker
Major Achievements First to correctly describe the precise function of blood in mammals. Successfully described circulatory system also embryology Diagram of a vein
William Harvey on Circulation Blood : -pumped around the body in a closed system. -arteries/veins. -distributed nourishment to body. Descartes - developed the ideas of Rene Descartes and muslim researcher,Ibn Nafis (1242 A.D.) Diagram of an artery
His life 1578 (Folkstone, Eng.)-1657 Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge and the University of Padua (Italy). personal physician for Kings James I and Charles I. 1628, Harvey wrote: An Anatomical Exercise on the Motion of the Heart and Blood in Animals, In1651, his book De Generatione William Harvey
What made him so special??? Used Scientific method Contradicted 1200 year old beliefs good/bad blood Blood letting New ideas encouraged further research New field of science: embryology Detailed diagram of circulatory system Contradicted ideas of Claudius Galenus (a.k.a. Galen:131-201 A.D.) Good blood – heart Bad blood – liver Suggested existence of egg in mammals Arterial system
Why William Harvey should be in THE BALLOON Leadership experience: worked for 2 Kings!. Creative and Independent thinker: overturned 1200 years of superstition Promote use of reason through use of the scientific method. Many talents/interests: author, doctor, anatomist, researcher
Bibliography Grollier(1997) The Encyclopedia Americana, Volume 13. Danbury, CT: Grolier, Inc. Landry, Peter (2006). William Harvey. Retrieved September 12, 2006, from Web site: Porter, roy (1998). About William Harvey. Retrieved September 12, 2006, from William Web site: McGraw-Hill (1973). McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of World Biography; an international reference work. New York: McGraw-Hill. World Book, Inc. (1990). The World Book Encyclopedia, Volume 9. Chicago: World Book, Inc.