Is the Justice System Unjust? By: Hope Elmore
The 14th amendment, added to the constitution in 1868 says that “no state shall deny to any person within its jurisdiction equal protection of the laws.”
According to Merriam-Webster, justice can be defined as the quality of being just, impartial, or fair. Justice and equality seem like things that are accessible to all however, justice and equality only seems to come to those who can purchase it monetarily or superficially.
Walter McMillian, a black male falsely accused and convicted of murdering a young white woman spent six years on death row in the state of Alabama.
Walter, having had an interracial marital affair in 1986 found himself caught between the rock of being falsely accused and the hard place of the backwards mindsets that were still very present in the deep south of Alabama. Walter faced racism with the townspeople, in the courtroom, and with law enforcement. He was brought up on the charge of murder, sodomy, and drug/gang violence. Additionally, the only evidence that connected Walter to the murder of the young women was the testimony of Ralph Myers.
Walter McMillian after he was exonerated.
Marsha Colbey who was wrongly convicted of capital murder of her own child.
Colbey was a mother of six who recently lost her home to hurricane Ivan which forced her along with her family to live in a FEMA trailer. While living in the trailer Colbey found that she was pregnant which was a shock to her and her husband. Nonetheless, Colbey was still going to go through with the pregnancy.