Ideology or Party Ideology Party Liberal Conservative These two ideologies fall on a spectrum Democratic Party Republican Party All ideologies on chart have merit, as all seek to better society. Just becomes a question of how to do that Party is a choice, and you can change parties. Also, parties change over time as they make compromises in order to win more votes. Page 192 - 196
Parties: make promises. Will deliver us benefits if we elect them. Parties: united by some common beliefs
My Ideology 100 Liberal Communitarian/populist Freedom vs Equality Modern Dilemma Liberal Communitarian/populist Gov’t promotes equality and freedom, above order Emphasize civil rights and social welfare Pro-choice Anti-death penalty Gov’t promotes order and equality with many laws and services High taxes to pay for programs Moderates Swing voters centrists 50 Gov’t promotes order and freedom, above equality Emphasis on punishment and defense Pro-life Pro-death penalty Maximize freedom by limiting gov’t Low taxes, few services Libertarian Conservative 50 100 Freedom vs Order Original Dilemma
Two-Party System How do American elections and American political parties affect one another? Why are there just two parties that win in American Politics? What are some effects of America’s two- party system?
Causes of a Two-Party System Why just 2 parties in such a diverse nation? Tradition Electoral System (SMDP, winner-take-all) cgp grey first past the post Cause of 2 party system: our electoral system of winner-take-all, single-member district plurality + tradition of two parties from beginning of US history Positives: forces consensus and compromise, makes politics clearer,
With partner Discuss how using a winner-take-all (plurality) system leads inevitably to having just 2 parties. Then write 2- 3 sentence explanation in your notes. Brainstorm a list of effects that having only 2 parties (not 3 or more) has on our country.
Effects of Two-Party System A. Apathy, lack of political efficacy B. Compromise between diverse groups in the population
C. Moderation of the parties
Effects of Two-Party System D. Simplifies options E. Winner secures a majority (generally/mostly)
3rd Parties/Minor Parties May exist: Democracy and 1st Amendment 4 kinds Ideological party: party based on ideology (Libertarian party) Single-issue party: party formed around one issue or topic Economic protest party: party born out of economic problems Splinter party: party that formed by splitting off of a major party (Tea Party Republicans)
What can Minor Parties do in a Two-Party system? Political Outlet Spoiler Effect Changes a party Even if you don’t like the major parties, a 3rd party gives you some voice and way to participate. Votes are taken from the party most like your minor party, thereby helping the party you oppose more. Put pressure on one of the major parties to adopt your issue.
Walk around room Write Name of party Read about the party Decide with type(s) of third party it is and record
What are the causes and effects of America’s two-party system? Write the Summary Our electoral system leads inevitably to just 2 parties dominating politics in America. This means that the parties unite people and are very moderate or similar to one another. Nevertheless, there are still minor parties that play a small role in American politics. What are the causes and effects of America’s two-party system?
*The Parties in Primary and General Elections Primary Election General Election The election within a party to select its candidate for the general election. It selects the party’s nominee. Election for office, between the Republican and Democratic nominees. It selects the winner who will have the office So, how will this affect the policies that parties focus on and promote?