Anthony Smith Transport Focus Chief Executive 0300 123 0850
Transport Focus Independent transport user watchdog Rail passengers in Great Britain Bus, coach & tram passengers in England, outside London All users of the Strategic Road Network in England All means motorcyclists, cyclists, pedestrians, freight and coach companies – plus drivers of all types of vehicle We are a consumer organisation, driven by what the transport user needs and wants We are evidence-based – what we advocate is based on research among users Our aim is to be useful to those who use, provide and fund transport services
We are on stand A29 in the main exhibition where we can talk to you more about our work on behalf of road users
Launched this morning in the Carillion Theatre at Highways UK Our priorities research last year highlighted what road users saw as important to them. We’ve taken a number of those issues and delved deeper in this research We are making a number of recommendations
The needs of road users must become part of Highways England’s culture throughout its investment in, and operation and maintenance of the strategic road network
What road users have told us
What road users have told us Strategic Tackle congestion Improve safety Reduce journey times
What road users have told us ‘today’ Better, more helpful information Improved quality of road surfaces Shorter roadworks sections Do more for road users stuck in long delays
Published roads research Download a copy at or see us on stand A29
Transport Focus evidence feeds into RIS2 Route Strategies – user research Performance Specification – establishing user preferences Strategic Roads User Survey (SRUS) Road surface quality – insight into user’s top priority for improvement Smart motorways user experience (including all-lane running) Ensure user needs and priorities are factored in from the outset RIS2 should not be just about new major schemes – capital renewals and maintenance of what’s there now is vital, too
More work on behalf of all road users Now delivering the National Road Users’ Satisfaction Survey (NRUSS) Publishing our work on the proposed lorry holding area in Kent – finding out the needs of the freight industry Publishing research looking at the needs of cyclists, pedestrians and equestrians on the strategic road network Photo courtesy Highways England
Anthony Smith Transport Focus Chief Executive 0300 123 0850