HEADLINES & LEADS How to write headlines What should be identified from reading leads? Learn about vocabularies and abbreviations in news
A H E A D L I N E the title of a news story a short message interesting and accurate distinguish from a normal written language
Self Study: How a headline is written? Work with a group of 4-5 people Consider language and a structure used in a given headline likely to be a sentence, but a verb is omitted use of abbreviation
Self Study: How a headline is written? Is it a complete sentence? Is the headline sentence grammatically correct? Is there any abbreviations used in the headline Is there any punctuation marks used?
How to Write present simple (s,es) present participle (-ing) 1. Shortened verb forms not written as a grammatical sentence 4 aspects of tenses: How to Write present simple (s,es) an event that already happened present participle (-ing) an event which is happening infinitive form (to + verb1) an event that will happen past participle (V3) an event that was happened
Two teenagers were charged due to the school vandalism A batkid has saved Gotham city. A batkid saved Gotham city. The National Health Service (NHS) will fund sperm bank for lesbians.
How to Write 54 people died when a tour boat capsized on a river. 2. Using short words for long ones select another short word How to Write prohibit, prevent = ban, bar look for, try to obtain = seek (sought) murderer = killer reduce/reduction = cut arrest = hold (held) 3. Omitting some words cut off articles, personal pronouns, determiners, etc 54 people died when a tour boat capsized on a river. 54 die as tour boat capsized
abbreviations and acronyms 4. Using punctuation marks How to Write 5. Using abbreviations and acronyms a short form of words a combination of initial letters from words can find from lead or a story**
Rewrite a headline into a full sentence Complete activity 1 on page 74-76 Students were not allowed to protest. 2. 65 people were arrested in drug raid at London Culture and Club 3. Hurricane Floyd is developing/growing into monster storm. 4. The committee will help poor farmers in selling rice. 5. The Cancer Centre will be built the South.
Complete Activity 1 Item 13, 18, 20, 24, 25 Review and more practice: Headline Complete Activity 1 Item 13, 18, 20, 24, 25
In the LEADS What should be identified from reading leads? Learn about vocabularies and abbreviations in news
The headline
What and Where is the lead ? Does the lead refer to a few couple of concluding sentences? a few sentences which are written to summarize the important information of a news story be literally located at the first paragraph of the article
What and Where is the lead ? Does the lead contain every point of a news story? tells about WHO, WHAT,WHERE, WHEN, WHY, and HOW not include all points WHY, HOW, WHEN are stated in the body.
Find your twin ! (5 marks) Walk around the class to match the headline and lead Discuss with your partner to complete these following questions: News section: ……………………………… Who: …………………………………………… What: ………………………………………….. Where: ………………………………………… When:…………………………………………… Why: ……………………………………………. How: …………………………………………….