IWCAM-RD PROJECT Mitigation of Impacts from Industrial Wastes on the lower Haina River Basin and its Coast Mitigación de los Impactos de Desechos Industriales en la Cuenca Baja del Río Haina y su Costa
General Objetives To reduce environmental pollution from industrial sources in a tangible way, in the lower Haina river basin and its coast. To create the conditions for an effective environmental management integrated the lower basin of the river Haina and its coast.
IWCAM-RD PROJECT OBJETIVES AND PRODUCTS 1. Establishment of a Project Management and Administrative Unit 2. Establishment of a management infraestructure and strategy for the Haina River Basin 3. Legislative and Policy review to provide incentives for reductions in discharges and emissions, and establish responsability for monitoring and compliance 4. Identification and implementation of mechanism to reduce point-source pollutans 5. Clean-up and public/private sector awarenes 6. Adoption of a sustainable funding mechanism for compliance monitoring
STATUS IWCAM-RD Mitigation of Impacts from Industrial Wastes on the lower Haina River Basin and its Coast September 2008
PROJECT OBJETIVES/ACTIVITIES Establishment of a management mechanism for PMU Water resourses Management Agency. 1.1 Project Executor Unit established 1.1.1 Personal has been selected and contracted 1.1.2 Project Office established 1.1.3 Project Indicators elaborated and aproved 1.1.4 Project Work Plan elaborated and running (2008-2010) 1.1.6 Work Plan Matrix elaborated (2008 – 2010) 1.1.7 Quaterly and six montly report sent
PROJECT OBJETIVE/ACTIVITIES 2. Establishment of a management infraestructure and strategy for the Haina River Basin 1rst Oficial Meeting to be held on Nov. 28, 2008 2.1 Relevant person identified. Most of them has been contacted 2.2 Presentations about the project have been done to Haina and Herrera industry sector 2.3 Sinergy development with SENARENA P+L Program P+L talk will be done at Haina Industry Association on Oct. 25, 2008 3. Legislative and Policy review to provide incentives for reductions in discharges and emissions, and establish responsability for monitoring and compliance Policy and legislation revision draft to be prepared by Feb. 15, 2009
PROJECT OBJETIVE/ACTIVITIES 4. Identification and implementation of mechanism to reduce point-source pollutans 4.1 Maps of Project area elaborated 4.2 Industrial survey for determination of Industrial contaminants discharge practices elaborated. To be implemented by november 2008 4.3 Establisment of Indicator baseline By January 15, 2009 4.4 Proposal of mechanism for liquid and solid waste and atmospheric emission handling elaborated By April 2009 4.5 Implementation of mechanism for liquid and solid waste and atmospheric emission handling by Haina Industries. Since May 2009 At the end of the project (June 2010) at least 40% of Haina industries will be implemented identified mechanisms for handling waste liquids, solids and emissions.
PROJECT OBJETIVE/ACTIVITIES 5. Clean-up and public/private sector awarenes 5.1 Clean up strategy for Haina river basin elaborated and implemented. Since March 2009 5.2 Sensitizing the public and private sectors of the lower basin of the lower Haina river basin and its Coast. 6. Adoption of a sustainable funding mechanism for compliance monitoring Since April 2009 6.1 Developing an implementing a sustainable funding mechanism for monitoring the important environmental variables, by the CMD Haina Since October 2009 6.2 Development of a mechanism to replicate positive experiences of the project in other basins . February 2010
OUR EXPERIENCIE Strengths and weaknes Good receptivity to the project by the industrial sector 2. Good level of cooperation from other state institutions 3. Low availability on analytical laboratories facilities 4. Slowness in administrative processes because of the state bureaucracy 5. Short time to do great tasks