Great Commission Living Empowered by Great Commandment Love Go therefore and make disciples of ALL nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe ALL that I commanded you and lo, I am with you always even to the end of the age. Matthew 28:19–20 You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart…your soul…your mind, and…you shall love your neighbor as yourself. Matthew 22:37–39 Imagine 2017: State of Pastors Presentation
Empowering Kingdom Leaders: Engaging the power of questions: WHY? WHAT? and HOW? Shift from "doing things for God" to relating intimately with Him! "Walk while you have the light…of Jesus, the light of His Word" John 12:35, John 8:32, Ps 119:105
Utilize the Conversation with God resource as your devotional guide for better "walking together" in the Light of Jesus and His Word! Click link here
It’s these very things that I want to do… when I don’t do them, they become a source of condemnation and attack so that in my own heart I join Paul in his desperate cry: “Wretched man that I am! Who will set me free?” (Romans 7:24) Text Set Free to 33733 for 21 short video segments from Josh McDowell
.com Call the Pastor Care line at 800.PASTOR1 (800.844.727.8671) for gifted Christian Counsel on Spiritual/Relational Challenges (provided in both English and Spanish). .com Click link here " It's not good to alone" - Genesis 2:18
Empowering Kingdom Leaders: Great Commandment love begins at home! “…you shall love your ' near ones' as you love yourself" Matthew 22:39
Use 31 Days of Prayer for My Pastor as your couples prayer time…with focused daily devotions and prayer drawn from 28 of the Barna Research State of Pastors key findings. Click link here
Schedule a get-away retreat at one of 700 Christian-owned bed and breakfast inns, who partner with the Christian Hospitality Network by offering highly discounted rates to pastors. Click link here
Utilize the Extreme Home Makeover kit or free teaching ideas from on strengthening home relationships Preach2Engage Extreme Home Makeover "Children are gifts from the Lord” Psalm 127:3
Empowering Kingdom Leaders: Engaging the power of questions: WHY? WHAT? and HOW? Discipling His people for missional living "I have appointed…pastors and teachers for the equipping of saints for the works of ministry" Ephesians 4:12
.com Share a 12 part series on Spirit-Empowered Disciples: • Loving the Lord • Living His Word • Loving People • Living His Mission .com
Vulnerably share with your church your hope and need for support through: A Pastor Prayer Team with as few as 7 intercessors resourced to pray for you and your family Resource Kit "Let those who are taught the Word share all good things who teach the word" Galatians 6:6
Engage a key lay leader as your advocate For a Pastor Appreciation emphasis using the 50 Ways to Bless Your Pastor resource As a champion for you and your families financial provision, relational wellness and health needs
"Go therefore and make disciples of all Nations…" Matthew 28:19-20 Empowering Kingdom Leaders: Jesus Followers Engaging Your Community and Beyond in Great Commandment/ Great Commission Living "Go therefore and make disciples of all Nations…" Matthew 28:19-20
Engage Your Church in Walking in the Light John 12:35 Utilize the IMAGINE CONTINUES video series with your key ministry leaders Complete and compile the self-assessments on Spirit-Empowered Discipleship as a profile where YOUR MEMBERS have identified their growth areas… which informs your sermons and small group ministry. (Complete the contact form and say in the message box, “requesting the imagine video series.”) Link here
Engage small groups in Spirit-Empowered resource studies to challenge sharing the vision for missional living outside the four walls of the church. Click link here
Be intentional about NOT DOING MINISTRY ALONE! Engage in Pastor Covenant Groups, a "Helper" relational network for wives Mentoring relationships for vulnerable connecting and loving accountability through Pastor Mentor/Pastor Apprentice ; Sister-to-Sister Support community initiatives with other kingdom leaders across the faith community "Let US run the race set before us…” Hebrews 12:1-2