DRIVE – PULL – PUSH Images of Facilitation: The facilitator drives the discussion by asking the group to: stay with an idea before moving on; return to a previous idea; slow the pace of the discussion; allow an individual time to fully articulate an idea.
DRIVE – PUSH – PULL Images of Facilitation: The facilitator pulls the discussion by asking the group to: provide drawings, examples, or evidence; explain an idea; comment on others’ ideas; weigh benefits and drawbacks; clarify ideas; explain why? or how?; make conjectures or predictions.
DRIVE – PUSH – PULL Images of Facilitation: The facilitator pushes the discussion by: asking the group to prove or test ideas; playing devil's advocate; asking someone to argue a point of view they disagree with; challenging an idea that has been presented; pressing for decisions or generalizations. Source: Mathematics Case Methods Project, WestEd, Powerful Designs for Professional Learning National Staff Development Council