Mostly overlooked but has most contact with our daily lives Illinois Government Mostly overlooked but has most contact with our daily lives
Structure The PREAMBLE-States the purposes of the state government. Current Illinois Constitution effective since 1970 Structure: 2 Major Sections. 14 Articles in the Illinois Constitution. Three Branches in the Illinois, just like the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.
Legislative Branch Two Branches: State House of Representatives has 118 MEMBERS. State Senate has 59 MEMBERS. Called the GENERAL ASSEMBLY and is a BICAMERAL system. Required Meetings: ONCE A YEAR Qualifications: 21 Years Old, U.S. Citizen and LIVE IN THE DISTRICT YOU REPRESENT!!!.
Terms Like the House of Representatives the State House of Representatives has a TWO YEAR term. State Senator, like the President, is elected every 4 YEARS;HOWEVER, there is a one half stagger, unlike the US Senate which as a 1/3 STAGGER.
Executive Branch Secretary of State: official RECORD KEEPER for the state. COMPTROLLER- decides which bills will be paid with available money. Treasurer- keeps safe and INVESTS state MONEY. (writes checks to pay bills the comptroller tells him to pay.) Members Governor-EXECUTIVE OFFICER LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR- responsibilities given by law and governor. ATTORNEY GENERAL- chief legal officer for state.
Qualifications In order to run you must be 25 years old 3 years in the state. One Term: 4 years but elected in NON- PRESIDENTIAL years.
Powers of the Governor Amendatory VETO: governor can make specific changes in a bill after it has passed in the General Assembly. LINE ITEM VETO- governor can reduce the amount of money appropriated in a revenue bill. Number of days to consider vetoes: 60 Days
Judiciary Branch Top: State SUPREME COURT: 7 judges. Like Federal Supreme Court it hears FINAL appeals. Middle: State Appellate Courts- reviews decisions of CIRCUIT COURTS. Bottom- CIRCUIT COURTS- general trial courts (5 circuits or judicial districts in state)
Qualifications Lawyer License to Practice in ILLINOIS Live in judicial district that they represent. Unlike Federal Supreme Court the judges are ELECTED Supreme Court and Appellate: 10 YEARS. Circuit Courts: 6 Years.
Articles Article One: State of Illinois “BILL OF RIGHTS” Article Two: Separation of Powers into THREE branches. Article Seven: HOME RULE PROVISION. All municipalities over 25,000 can automatically levy taxes, license businesses, and borrow money.
Article 2: The Powers of the state Separation of powers Powers of the government
Article 3: Suffrage & Elections Voting qualifications/Disqualifications: 18 or over Resident of the state for at least 30 days before the election General Assembly can establish requirements for voting If you are convicted of a felony or are serving time in prison you are not allowed to vote until you have finished your sentence
Article 4: The Legislature General Assembly (comparable to Congress) 2 houses Senate & House of Reps. Elected by electors from 59 legislative districts and 118 Representative districts One senator is elected from each legislative district Decennial redistricting (recurring every 10 years)
Article 4: The Legislature (continued) General Assembly meets on the second Wednesday of January The governor can convene the GA for other reasons Sessions are open to the public unless 2/3 of the members vote for it to be closed Majority of members from each house =quorum
Article 4: The Legislature (Continued) The Secretary of State convenes the HOR to elect a Speaker of the House The governor convenes the Senate to elect a President of the Senate (both happen of the 1st day of the January session of the GA in ODD NUMBERED years) Bills are passed the same way as they are in the U.S. Constitution
Article 4 Bills becoming laws: Every bill passed by the GA is presented to the governor within 30 calendar days after its passage If the governor approves, it becomes a law If the governor should veto a bill, he does so with his objections to the house it originated in Any bill not returned by the governor within 60 calendar days from the date he received in on automatically becomes a law
Article 4 Except in cases of treason, felony or breach of peace, a member is granted immunity from arrest going to, during, and returning from sessions of the GA Impeachment: HOR has the sole power to conduct investigations to determine the existence or cause for impeachment and, by a vote of a majority of the members elected, can impeach executive and judicial officers Impeachments are tried by the senate
Article 4 If the governor is tried, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court shall preside No person can be convicted without the concurrence of 2/3 of the Senators elected Judgement shall not extend beyond removal from office and disqualification to hold any public office of this state An impeached officer, whether convicted or acquitted shall be liable to prosecution, trial, judgement, and punishment according to law
Article 5: The Executive Branch includes: Governor Lieutenant Governor Attorney General Secretary of State Comptroller & Treasurer elected by the electors of the state All serve a 4-year term beginning on the 2nd Monday of January
Article 5 Governor can grant pardons, commutations, and reprieves for all offenses he chooses The manner of applying is regulated by law
Article 5: Job Descriptions Governor- reports to GA each year on the condition of state LG- duties & powers delegated by the governor Attorney General- legal officer of the state Secretary of State- maintain official records of GA Comptroller- maintain the fiscal accounts and order payments into and out of funds held by the treasurer Treasurer- safekeeping and investing of monies and securities deposited with him and for their disbursement upon order of the comptroller
Article 6: The Judiciary Judicial power is vested in: Supreme Court Appellate Court Circuit Court State is divided into 5 judicial districts; the first is Cook County
Article 6 Supreme Court consists of 7 judges 3 selected from Cook County and 1 from each of the other judicial courts 4 constitute a quorum They select a Chief Justice who served for 3 years
Amendment Procedures Step 1 PROPOSAL: 3/5 of each branch of the GENERAL ASSEMBLY ask if there should be a State constitutional convention. Step 2 RATIFICATION: by the people, in a state-wide ballet called a REFERENDUM.
OR Step 1 Proposal: 3/5 of each branch of the General Assembly propose an amendment. Step 2 Ratification: Approval in a referendum.
Compare and Contrast the Federal Government to the Illinois Government on the Venn Diagram.
Take your chart out and review with me…
Comparing Illinois to the Federal Government Illinois ___ members in the Senate. ____ members in the House. Has a ________ term limit for judges. The Governor can remain a governor for __________ terms. Federal ____ members in the Senate. ____ members in the House. Has a _________ term limit for judges. The President can run for _______ terms.
Similarities of the State and Federal Government Both have a “_______ of ________” to protect the citizens rights. Both have a _________, _________, and ________ branch. Both have a higher court called the _________ _________.