Purposeful rotation of outer guide catheter just prior to embryo transfer: Does it enhance the pregnancy rate in women undergoing assisted reproduction ? aIVF & Reproductive Biology Centre, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Maulana Azad Medical College, 2- Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi, bVMMC and Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi cInstitute of Cytology and Preventive Oncology(ICMR) Sector -39, NOIDA, Uttara Pradesh Aswathy Kumaran a, Sudha Prasad a, Saumya Prasad b, Supriya Hajela a, Shashi Sharma c and Yogesh Kumar a
Background…. Bringing to light a new variation in embryo tranfer technique associated with positive outcome… Further systematic and prospective research needed…..
Study Objective STUDY OUTCOME To assess the role of rotation of outer guide of embryo transfer catheter purposely to enhance pregnancy rate in women underwent IVF-ET cycles STUDY OUTCOME Clinical pregnancy rates
Study Design Retrospective Case control study August 2014 to September 2015 -1 year All women who underwent embryo transfer at IVF & Reproductive Biology Centre, Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi N=243
Group- B:Control group Methodology Total ETs 1 year N=243 Group-A:Study Intentional rotation of outer guide catheter just prior to embryo transfer step was performed N=131 Group- B:Control group Non rotation group N=112
Methodology Both groups were compared and evaluated for demographic profile, and other cycle characteristics Student T-test, Mann Whitney U-test and Chi-Squares test were applied as appropriate and statistical significance was calculated at p<0.05
Results No significant difference was found between group-A and group-B respectively in between mean age (31.79±4.4 vs. 32.21±4.8 p=0.79**) duration of infertility (8.9±4.4. vs. 8.6±4.9; p=0.81**)
Results No significant difference was found between group-A and group-B respectively in type of infertility and other cycle characteristics like hormonal profile endometrial thickness number of oocytes retrieved
Results No significant difference was found between group-A and group-B respectively in fertilization rate and grading of embryo(s)
The groups..matched Demographic parameters Group A (study) Group B (control) Age profile 31.79±4.4 32.21±4.8 Infertility duration 8.9±4.4. 8.6±4.9 Oocyte retrieval rate 10.8±4.4. 9.9±4.9 Fertilization rate 7.9 ±4.4. 7.1±4.9 No of embryos transferred 2.5±0.9 8.1±4.9 Embryo quality 8
Results In Group A, The clinical pregnancy rates – 41.2% (54/131) In Group B, the clinical pregnancy rates – 33% (37/112) (p=0.001**)
Conclusion The purposeful rotation was seen to be a positive factor involved responsible for successful pregnancy outcome
Implantation is a complex process involving ovarian steroids, a multitude of paracrine and autocrine factors, and interaction between multiple cell types. The mechanisms of implantation are not precisely known.
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