Duh? Not Enough Water A Case Study Using Maps
U.S. Drought Monitor Texas (9.2016) U.S. Drought Monitor MAP SET (1) U.S. Drought Monitor Texas (9.2016) U.S. Drought Monitor Texas (9.2015) The National Drought Mitigation Center http://droughtmonitor.unl.edu/Home/StateDroughtMonitor.aspx?TX
MAP SET (2) U.S. Drought Monitor Texas (2016)
Texas Lakes, Rivers, and Water Resources MAP SET (3) Texas Lakes, Rivers, and Water Resources Geology http://geology.com/lakes-rivers-water/texas.shtml Texas Land Trends – Texas A&M University http://txlandtrends.org/media/1004/webslides.pdf
Texas Lakes, Rivers, and Water Resources MAP SET (4) Texas Lakes, Rivers, and Water Resources Geology http://geology.com/lakes-rivers-water/texas.shtml Center for Geospatial Technology – Texas Tech University http://txlandtrends.org/media/1004/webslides.pdf
MAP SET (5) Source: Maps.com Source: Texas Almanac 2013