Analogical Reasoning
Analogies transferring (mapping) information from a particular subject (source) to another particular subject (target) Source Target Analogy Source attribute 1 Source attribute 2 …….. Source attribute n Target attribute 1 Target attribute 2 ….. Target attribute n Idea mapping 1 Idea mapping 2 …… Idea mapping n
Scientists use analogies…. Expanding universe is “rather like a balloon with a number of spots painted in it being steadily blown up” (Hawkings) Planetary motion is like the working of a clock (Kepler) Benzene ring is like “snakes biting their tails” (Kekule) Huygens used water waves to understand light
Analogies enhance concept learning…. Series circuit
Based on Semantic Network Theory Concepts are viewed psychologically as objects, attributes of objects, and relationships between objects Represented as propositional networks of nodes and predicates.
Kinds of Analogical Comparisons Analogical Comparison of Concepts Analogical Comparison of Relationships Analogical Comparison of Cases Models are analogies
Analogical Comparison of Concepts Concepts compared based on attributes Attribute taking one argument
Analogical Comparison of Relationships Compare groups of concepts based on relationships HAND : PALM : : FOOT : ____
Analogical Comparison of Cases Comparing relational structure for structural alignment