4th Grade Weekly Newsletter October 24th-28th , 2016 UpComing Events 10/26-Moo Day Projects Due 10/31 Character Breakfast-details coming soon 11/2 College Shirt Day 11/4 No School Red Ribbon Week 10/24-10/28 Monday: “RED Carpet REDdy to be drug free”: dress up red carpet style wearing lots of red. Tuesday: “Tell drugs to Peace Out!”: peace signs, tye die, or hippie clothing and accessories Wednesday: “TEAM up to Just Say No”: sports jersey or sports team clothes Thursday:“Drugs are WACKY & TACKY”: mismatched clothing, socks, crazy hair, and/or hats Friday:“SAVE the day and SCARE drugs away”:costume-community hero, super hero, appropriately scary Lunch Menu Monday: corn dog, chimichanga, green beans, broccoli and carrots, mandarin oranges Tuesday: chicken fajita, rib-bq sandwich, sweet potato surprise, celery sticks, sliced pears, strawberry shortcake Wednesday: beef taco and rice, chicken parmesan, refried beans, baby carrots, diced pineapple Thursday: lasagna, country steak, roll, whipped potatoes, ranch cucumbers, sliced peaches Friday: pepperoni pizza, Caesar side salad, vegetable medley, tropical fruit salad In the Spotlight Weekly Quote from Coach Webster: A healthy attitude is contagious but don't wait to catch it from others. Be a carrier. Tom Stoppard Have an AMAZING Week!