It probably didn’t escape your attention that it was Valentine’s day last week. Do you love anyone enough to … ?
Love is ……….. Some of your teachers might remember seeing cartoons like this in the newspaper “a few years ago”. Take a look at this one, as well as the ones on the next slide, and discuss the question.
Do you think these are an accurate reflection of what love is?
Given that love can also be between friends and family members, can you come up with a better “love is ….” quote or cartoon? Have a go. There should be templates in your register.
How did you get on? How do your efforts compare to those on the next slides? You could pin yours up on your form notice board.
Saint Valentine St. Valentine is the Patron Saint of engaged couples, happy marriages, love, lovers, young people, travellers, bee keepers, epilepsy, fainting, greetings, and plague. St Valentine lived in the 3rd century AD. It is believed that he was imprisoned by the Roman emperor Claudius for marrying Christian couples and aiding Christians being persecuted by Claudius in Rome. He was eventually executed for trying to convert Claudius to Christianity. The romantic nature of Valentine's Day may have derived during the Middle Ages, when it was believed that birds paired couples in mid-February.
Bible reading: Prayer: Lord Help us to love others in the same way as described here in your Word and forgive us when we fall short. Amen