2nd ANNUAL AWSC MANAGEMENT BOARD MEETING DIRECTOR’S REPORT 2nd ANNUAL AWSC MANAGEMENT BOARD MEETING Venue: University of Nairobi, Main Campus, Vice Chancellor’s Parlour Date: Friday, September 12, 2014 Time: 1:00pm – 4:30pm
Introduction The vision and mission of the African Women’s Studies Centre which in summary is to bring African women’s experiences, perspectives, philosophy and worldview to impact on Africa's development through scholarship research and policy influence continues to guide us. Often we have to keep reminding ourselves what this vision and mission entails and we will continue to do so as the centre grows.
1. Policy division programme To influence national and regional policies to take on board African women’s views and perspectives . We have stated in the 2013/2017 strategic plan that we shall focus on article 43 (1) on social economic rights. This choice is strategic and deliberate for majority of African women.
This is their concern for their children and their families i. e This is their concern for their children and their families i.e. basic needs of food, water, social security, health, education. We have picked women’s leadership in decision making positions as another critical area if African families will realize the social economic right
This is their concern for their children and their families i. e This is their concern for their children and their families i.e. basic needs of food, water, social security, health, education. In addition to this, we have picked women’s leadership in decision making positions as another critical area if African families will realize the social economic right. In line with this focus, we engaged in:
The food security project Women’s experiences with food security Figure 1: Percentage Income Expenditure among the Respondents
It has shown that 7.1 million Kenyans go to bed hungry. The study on food security in Kenya in the 20 counties It has shown that 7.1 million Kenyans go to bed hungry. This is a shame and it is absolutely unacceptable. Food security is a must for African women and we cannot go wrong by prioritizing it .
Table 1: Hunger module with average of E07 and E08 County Name E07. Was there a time when there was no food at all in your household because there were not enough resources to go around? E08. Did you or any household member go to sleep at night hungry because there was not enough food? Average Turkana 59.5 48.1 54 Kisii 47.0 35.5 41 Migori 35.9 31.8 34 Isiolo 32.5 25.5 29 Kwale 24.8 16.7 21 Mombasa 24.3 16.1 20 Nairobi 19.6 20.1 TransNzoia 22.0 17.2 Makueni 21.0 17.9 19 Nandi 23.7 12.6 18 Baringo 18.9 15.6 17 Bungoma 20.2 12.7 16 Taita Taveta 15.7 15.1 15 Elgeyo Marakwet 13.8 11.0 12 Laikipia 7.5 Kajiado 5.3 8 Kiambu 8.4 6.0 7 Nakuru 7.2 4.5 6 Bomet 6.1 3.6 5 Kirinyaga 3.1 2.1 3 Total
The proposed Law on food security
We intend to continue to focus on article 43 (1)(c) of the constitution of Kenya as promised in our strategic plan 2013/2017 and in line with the University of Nairobi strategic plan
Zero tolerance to hunger is the moto we have adopted
2. Academic division To contribute to knowledge development in scholarship on/by African women The M.A programme on Women and Governance in Africa; M.A programme on African Women’s health in collaboration with the School of Nursing, University of Nairobi.
M.A programme on Leadership and Governance in Africa in collaboration with Centre for Parliamentary Studies and Training (CPST) and Department of Political Science and Public Administration, UoN;
3. Proposed African women’s virtual centre on research, scholarship and policy advocacy The Centre will: Shape the online scholarship on African women. Bring together leading researchers and experts online. Create connection between researchers and scholars with civil society groups and policy makers. Share experiences and results.
4. Management of the Centre Steering committee Management Committee
5. Financial situation of AWSC When it comes to Academic programmes, we want to develop a curriculum that is multi-disciplinary. This requires that we get people from the UoN Colleges, Institutes, Centres, faculties or even departments to work with AWSC. This too requires financial support.
5. The staff 3 Research fellows for each of the Centre’s divisions 1 Personal Assistant for the Director’s Office
We hope that that as the Centre grows, we shall to have: Two more administrative assistants one for each department An accountant/finance manager At least one more researcher fellow for each of the division.
With a new team of three full time staff support from the Board, steering committee and management committee, AWSC is ready for takeoff.