Jesus’ Words “Seek first the Kingdom of God...” Matthew 6.33 “Seek and you will find...” Matthew 7.7
The Sinless One
Bible Reading Matthew 7:7-12
Good, Good Father Ask Seek Knock
Give skill, patience and strength to doctors, God of all goodness, Receive into your loving arms all those who have died. Hold in your loving care all those who are injured and those who grieve. Give skill, patience and strength to doctors, nurses and all carers. Give insight and wisdom to those investigating; and give strength and courage to us all to work together to rebuild our common good and find your good future for us all, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
OPEN PRAYER for the victims’ families & friends, doctors & nurses and all involved in helping people in the aftermath of the bombing.
South Ribble “Best place in the UK to live” What’s Good? Thank God.
For the people of South Ribble To reflect on: What are we ASKing for? Where are we SEEKing the Kingdom to come? What doors are we KNOCKing on to see open?
A BLESSING We bless all the people of South Ribble. We bless our schools, children and staff, our businesses and shops, St James, St Pauls and St Gerards churches our local councillors and MPs, Doctors, paramedics, nurses, police & social services. Bless our community with prosperity as the fruit of right living, honest dealing, and trusting relationships. May You, Almighty God, be honoured in South Ribble. May Jesus Christ be glorified. Amen A BLESSING
“THY KINGDOM COME” PRAYER Almighty God, Your ascended Son has sent us into the world to preach the good news of Your Kingdom. Inspire us with your Spirit and fill our hearts with the fire of your love, that all who hear your Word may be drawn to you, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen “THY KINGDOM COME” PRAYER