Scottish Managed Sustainable Health Network (SMaSH) Workplan 2017 - 2020 ScotPHN is hosted by
About SMaSH Formed in 2012 on behalf of the SDsPH by ScotPHN Aims: highlight the role the NHS has to play in sustainable energy and resource use, reductions in environmental vulnerability, and realising the potential for health co-benefits (Paris Declaration); encourage and coordinate good/innovative practice; sharing information between individuals and organisations across Scotland; and provide PH leadership focus on sustainability
Who makes up SMaSH? Ordinary membership – any colleagues (and organisations) with an interest in the relationship between (environmental) sustainability and health. Jointly chaired by CPH(M) & StR Steering Group consists of: CPH(M) in special and territorial health boards; Health Facilities Scotland (incl. Members of NHS Sustainability Steering Group); NSS representatives; Sustainable Scotland Network (SSN); NHSE SDU; and ScotPHN, NHS HS, Public Health StRs.
Overarching logic model for sustainability and health outcomes (June 2012)
Drivers for an updated workplan Greater ambition in NHS Scotland around (environmental) sustainability: HFS/NHS Scotland Sustainability Steering Group, lead on ensuring health boards meet SG mandatory required climate change adaptation and mitigation actions – seeking Paris co-benefit for health; closer links with Sustainable Scotland Network on public sector duty; NHS HS has identified climate change and health as an area to explore in the coming year. Future changes in PH structure in next couple of years provide opportunity to refocus action.
And.... Training Needs Survey of the Scottish Public Health Workforce – September/October 2016 There is a sizeable group of the Scottish public health workforce who see sustainable development (SD) in health and healthcare as a public health priority in Scotland. Many are interested in SD and how it relates to public health in Scotland. Some are already doing SD work. However, current knowledge is on the whole low-medium, many do not recognised that they have received SD training and the majority would value training. Main perceived barriers: competing demands; not prioritised at a board level; not part of job plan/PDP….
Therefore.... SMaSH steering group wanted to consider whether the network’s structure, focus and processes complements work relating to sustainability and health being conducted elsewhere in Scotland; and Ensure that the network’s focus aligns with current knowledge, skills and attitudes of the NHS and wider public health workforce.
Current projects under workstreams Advocacy and communication Responding to Calls for Evidence/Consultations Workforce development, leadership and local capacity SMaSH SD leadership events in collaboration with SDU Scottish SDsPH away day Scottish SpR training day T/C CPD events Networking and Building SMaSH’s capacity SpR involvement David Pencheon at Scottish FPH Conference SDsPH support Research & Evidence Numerous projects (scope 3 emissions, procurement, carbon calculator, fuel poverty/mapping health and energy data, health co-benefits/dis-benefits of climate change adaptation actions.) Additionally, developing strategic approach to conducting research in this area. Long-term national positioning of environmental sustainability and public health/SMaSH Proactive approach Position Statement
Summary Cohort of PH professionals in Scotland who see sustainable development as a public health priority. SMaSH is a national network which complements the work of other key stakeholders. New workplan is tailored to the needs of the Scottish public health workforce, and the current and future needs of the Scottish population. Biggest challenge to achieve progress: local and national capacity to undertake this work.
Discussion points How can SMaSH support the SDsPH group in advocating for more (environmentally) sustainable approaches to improve and protect health, and to improve healthcare services? How can the SDsPH group further support the work of SMaSH? How can we build capacity for (environmental) sustainability within the existing specialist workforce (as part of their job role/PDP)? What opportunities exist to ensure that progress on sustainable development and health is achieved – especially given the changes to the Public Health landscape?