Federal Motor Transport Authority


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Presentation transcript:

Federal Motor Transport Authority Informal document EFWG-01-04 (1st meeting of the Enforcement Working Group, 28 June 2012, agenda item 8.9) Federal Motor Transport Authority KBA - We score with road safety - Vehicle Technology- Type approval and corresponding measures for vehicles

Typeapproval and corresponding measures for vehicles The Lifecycle of a vehicle under the view of accompanying measures in the EU. Development Construction Production In Service (‘Alive’) Off Service (‘After-Live’) Obligations and responsibilities of the manufacturer (OEM) during the different phases

Typeapproval and corresponding measures for vehicles Horizontal Legislation CE Marking Legislation (EU 2007/46/EC 1958 Agrm.) ISO and other Standards Ministry of Transport QM (ISO 900X) OEM Approval Authority TAA Initial Assessment Technical Service (Testlab) New Market wishes New Technologies New Design The Lifecycle of a vehicle Development Prototypphase Production In Service (‘Alive’) Off Service (‘After-Live’)

Typeapproval and corresponding measures for vehicles Durability Testing R83 R… Prototyp / 0-Serie Approval Authority TAA R13H Technical Service (Testlab) Emission Approval OEM … Approval Brake Approval Emission Testing WVTA Exemption New Technologies Crash Testing RRR Recyclability, Reusability, Recoverability The Lifecycle of a vehicle Development Prototypphase Production In Service (‘Alive’) Off Service (‘After-Live’)

Horizontal Legislation Typeapproval and corresponding measures for vehicles CoC Certificate of Conformity Parts- QM Supplier Assessment ETAES/ DETA* Registration Data Approval Authority TAA Database CoP Verification OEM Horizontal Legislation CE-Marking Technical Service (Testlab) CoP Testing Typ/Variant/Version Assignment Product Testing OEM- QM CoP OEM The Lifecycle of a vehicle Development Prototypphase Production In Service (‘Alive’) Off Service (‘After-Live’)

Typeapproval and corresponding measures for vehicles IUC In Use Compliance Recalls Market Surveillance Product Safety ISC In Service Conformity PEMS* Portable measurement Approval Authority TAA ETAES/ DETA* CoC EU-NCAP Market CoP Verification OEM Field Tests Registration Docs Data Product Resposibility and Surveillance Keep Production in Conformity Technical Service (PTI) Technical Service (Testlab) OEM- QM CoP- OEM PTI every 1 / 2 Years CoP Testing Product Testing The Lifecycle of a vehicle Development Prototypphase Production In Service (‘Alive’) Off Service (‘After-Live’)

Registration Authority Typeapproval and corresponding measures for vehicles Registration Authority Database Reclaim vehicles Vehicle Grave Yard OEM End of life Authority End of Life RRR Recycle, Reuse, Recover The Lifecycle of a vehicle Development Prototypphase Production In Service (‘Alive’) Off Service (‘After-Live’)

Thanks for your kind attention! Typeapproval and corresponding measures for vehicles Thanks for your kind attention! Frank Wrobel Head of Technical and International affairs Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt (KBA) 24932 Flensburg Telephone + 49 (0) 461 316 – 2024 Fax + 49 (0) 461 316 - 17 41 Email frank.wrobel@kba.de