Labor market snapshot: Northwest Washington WDA Northwest Workforce Council Board meeting September 13, 2017 Anneliese Vance-Sherman, Ph.D., Workforce Information & Technology Services Notes: For the purposes of this presentation, Dark Blue will always represent Washington State, Orange will represent either King County or Seattle MD depending on the slide. This rule may be changed if there is a decision to represent both geographies on a slide at any given time. For now, the rule of thumb is that Seattle MD data will only be used when it is necessary to use seasonally adjusted estimates, or for looking at data for which county-level information is not available.
Unemployment and Labor Force CTC notes Consider omitting the slides detailing sex, age, and education – but do have notes ready to discuss. This could be good for flexibility in the presentation.
Northwest snapshot: July 2017 labor force Updated 9/12/17 Source: Employment Security Department/WITS; U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, LAUS and Unemployment Insurance data warehouse
Northwest Washington has relatively low unemployment rates Updated to July 2017 Source: Employment Security Department/LMPA; U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, LAUS
Industry employment overview
Government and HealthCare are the two largest industries in Whatcom County
Whatcom County employment recovery has been similar to the state
Government and retail trade employed the most in Skagit County.
Skagit County
Island County employment is concentrated in services
Island County’s recovery is just beginning
San Juan County’s employment is oriented toward tourism
San Juan County has had little recovery
Poverty and labor force participation in Northwest WDA
Thank you Anneliese Vance-Sherman, Ph.D. Regional Labor Economist 425-258-6315