Student Accessibility Services (SAS) Transforming Disability into Accessibility Presented by Michelle Shaw, M.Ed. Director, SAS Edit the MASTER SLIDE view to change footer text.
Student Accessibility Services Currently, we have 1153 registered students with disabilities all campuses an average 10% increase each year #1 for Assistive Technology in the SUS System 1st University in Florida to implement a Alt Text Portal for tracking requests and delivery of textbooks to students. (library of alt text) Johnson Scholarship Awarded $251,699.00 Tech Fee Grant Funding – received $218,286.75 since 2009 # of ASD students with SAS = 70 Student Accessibility Services # of Registered students with SAS
Services Alt Format Textbooks Braille/ Raised Graphics Notetaking/ Lab Assistant Excused absences Closed Captioning/transcripts Breaks during class & exams ASL Interpreters/ CART/C-Print Exam accommodations Housing accommodations Assistive Technology 2014-2015 Processed 268 Alt format textbooks for 62 students Braille - 426 hours Engineering/ Music / English Literature Students receiving housing accommodations 119 Reviewed 45 files - appealing decisions for admission based on disability Administered 3618 exams Volunteer Notetakers 681 for a total of 57,456 hours saving the university $545,832.00 AT training provided to 202 students Communication Access Real-time Translation
Assistive Technology SAS Initiatives: SensusAccess Portal Livescribe Smart Pen Program Accessible Reading Initiative for students with print disabilities Full one-on-one Training Kurzweil 3000 & 1000 Zoomtext Jaws Dragon Speaking Naturally Equipment Loan Talking calculators One handed keyboards Foot mouse I-pads Laptops Portable CCTV UbiDuo Perkins Brailler 1st University in the Florida SUS system to utilize this portal from Denmark: It allows FAU students, faculty, staff and Alumni create accessible text for free, MP3 audio, braille, e-book, accessibility conversion, DAISY (Digital Accessible Information System) full text and audio - not STEM Materials (Universal Design 24/7 access) Livescribe Smart Pen – train and loan these pens (250 students each semester) as they take notes is records the lecture – helps students become independent form other students notes Accessible Reading Initiative: Training and loan I-Pads to students with reading disabilities to access their alt format text books – Expanding this Fall thanks to the Tech Fee Grant
Our students on average graduate within 6 years Bachelors Degree Student Accessibility Services strives to be a nationally distinguished leader for accessibility resources, offering comprehensive services in a student centered environment. We are committed to providing quality and comprehensive individualized services and state-of-the-art assistive technology while adapting to the dynamic needs of the diverse student population of Florida Atlantic University. SAS seeks to form collaborations that promote an inclusive learning environment for students, social, academic, and career success. We aim to attract the top students with disabilities Graduation Rates