Oppression, Power & Interpreters Chapter 6
Too “legit” to quit! One of the most significant efforts in the Deaf community is to reduce discrimination by making sure the world recognizes ASL as a real language. This is because language ties people together and helps to create meaningful connections resulting in a strong sense of community, identity and culture. Within this safe space, Deaf people can express themselves freely. They understand one another and the fact that they have such shared experiences serves as an equalizer among the membership no matter what other differences they have in terms of race, gender, economics, etc. Often, Deaf people detach in some ways from their biological families and form bonds with “surrogate” Deaf families.
Deaf Pride The Deaf President Now movement (DPN) occurred at Gallaudet University in 1988 with political activism to appoint a Deaf president of the university. It finally happened, but in stages, with a president who signed and then with more profoundly Deaf leadership later. (An example of liberation/equal access) Interpreters who were there (and in many other situations) have witnessed the oppression Deaf people have overcome. Sometimes, Deaf people express their frustrations with interpreters too because interpreters need to be careful to have the right role and attitude. Sometimes, other hearing people oppress Deaf people and their interpreters because they lack understanding.
Humor or Humiliation? Deaf Jokes A little laughter, but a WHOLE lot of truth! Ouch!! (“initiating” jokes/you-brunt) For interpreters, is it all about the money? I can help myself, thank you (response from a Deaf person) Deaf people often associated with persons with disabilities / cultures...there were 3 men... Jokes show the advantage Deaf people have in NOT hearing (visual focus works!) Hearing people try to “get away with things” because they feel Deaf people have benefited Interpreters feel like emotional puppets on both the hearing & Deaf sides due to interpreting the message faithfully to match the intent of both parties (which could be directly opposite!) Can we say...privacy invasion? Let’s turn the tables! Now, THAT’s funny!