Signing Professions ASL 225 Jacs Marosi This set of power point presentations is intended for use by instructors using So You Want To Be An Interpreter? 4th Ed. Feel free to personalize the presentation to fit your instructional style and goals. The first presentation includes an introduction to the textbook and presentation of Chapter One.
Textbook Overview Ch 1-6: LAYING THE FOUNDATION Communication Cultures & working in multicultural settings Identity and communication in the Deaf Community Beneficance & audism -- oppression, power and interpreters Being a “good” interpreter takes a great deal more than being technically effective in translating a message between English and ASL. It requires an understanding of and respect for the act and art of communication and the way one’s culture and personal experiences influence how we communicate. As professional communicators, interpreters work from this foundation. Interpreters must also develop an understanding of and sensitivity to historic events in the Deaf community that influence how they view themselves, other Deaf and hard of haring individuals, and hearing people. An important part of this is understanding the concept of “privilege” and how this dynamic influences communication, oppression and power. H & H Publishing Co.© 2007
Ch7-11: THE WORK OF INTERPRETERS Textbook Overview Ch7-11: THE WORK OF INTERPRETERS How we approach our work Mediating English and ASL The process of interpreting The history and professionalization of interpreting Building on the foundation of communication, culture, oppression and power, we are now ready to look at the work of interpreters. In these chapters, we are introduced to terminology used to describe the task of interpreting, challenges specific to mediating English and ASL, and what happens inside the head of an interpreter as s/he mediates communication between languages and cultures. In addition, we take a historic look at the field of interpreting, the establishment of professional organizations, codes of ethics, certification and interpreter education programs. H & H Publishing Co.© 2007
Ch. 12-14: PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE Textbook Overview Ch. 12-14: PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE Ethics, professional presence and practice Settings/protocol where interpreters work Basic business practices Finally, we study the nitty gritty of professional practice -- how one makes professional decisions and the challenge of dealing with ethical dilemma. We go into depth regarding the variety of settings where interpreters work, discussing the protocol, standards, and other features one can expect in each setting. In closing, we touch on basic business practices required for one to work as a professional interpreter. This text is an introductory book -- an overview. You will take entire courses on many topics addressed in a single chapter in this book on your journey to become a professional sign language interpreter. Studying this textbook, using the accompanying CDs, and engaging in the suggested chapter activities will lay a strong foundation on your journey. H & H Publishing Co.© 2007
Please READ Chapter 1: The Importance of Communication Also, don’t forget: Weekly Debriefing Week 1 in ANGEL and Post on the Discussion Forum: “Most Interested in…”