Territorial Expansion and Statehood
Review: What factors caused the growth of Washington Territory after the fur trade and missionary eras? Gold Wood Industrialization Railroads
Vocabulary to know: Pioneer: A person who is the “first” to attempt to do something. In this focus area, pioneer refers to non-native people who decided to migrate to the area in the 1800s. Poem to Pacific NW pioneers written by W.E. McCroskey, sometime between 1930s and 1949:
Joint Occupation: an agreement signed in 1818 between Great Britain and the United States that gave residents from both nations the right to live and work in the Oregon Country.
Oregon Country: Included present-day Washington and Oregon, part of Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, and SW.
Joint Occupation of Oregon Country by Great Britain and the United States (1818-1848) Oregon Territory established, which includes present-day Oregon and Washington (Organic Act of 1848) Washington Territory established (“2nd phase territory” 1853) Isaac Stevens-1st governor The U.S. government’s steps to formal expansion into the Pacific Northwest:
The U.S. government’s steps to formal expansion into the Pacific Northwest:
U.S. president Franklin Pierce wants more people to settle west, so he decides to offer land to people willing to go there Homestead Act of 1862: Offered land to “pioneers” willing to move West Live on land for 5 years and improve it = 160 acres are yours Live on land for 6 months and buy it for $1.25 an acre 400,000 to 600,000 people eventually move west as a result of the Homestead Act!
How did WA Territory earn $$ in the early days How did WA Territory earn $$ in the early days? OR What industries were popular in the territory in the 1850s and 1860s? Agriculture Fishing Mining gold Timber Industrialization (factories) Railroads
Population of WA Territory Even though there were plenty of people in WA Territory by this time, there were still less than 60,000 non-native people. (You needed at least 60,000 people in order to apply for statehood back then.) In 1870, Congress increased the minimum population requirement to 125,000 people. Finally, by 1889, there were more than 300,000 non-native residents of WA Territory! By October of 1889, a Washington State Constitution was approved by WA voters.
Washington becomes a state! On November 11, 1889, Washington became the 42nd state to enter the United States and the Washington State Constitution was ratified.
A photo of the Washington state Governor’s Inauguration in Olympia, the capital of Washington State
First Washington state Capitol Building in Olympia