Is Safety Improving? by Robert Chapin Runway Incursions 2000-2010 Is Safety Improving? by Robert Chapin
What is a Runway Incursion? Runway Taxiway
What is a Runway Incursion? Taxiway
Satellite View of Runway Intersection “On taxiway Delta, left on Romeo, with a hold short of runway 18L.” “The C182 pilot read back the clearance correctly after the third time.” D
How Often Does This Happen? Once every day, on average!
FAA Press Release “… incursions dropped from 12 in fiscal year 2009 to six in fiscal year 2010 …”
Incursions by Category
FAA Says: Which Cateogry? A - Collision was narrowly avoided. B - Significant potential for collision. C - Ample time or distance to avoid a collision. The example incident was FAA category “C.”
90% of pilots think the example incident is “serious.” What Do Pilots Think? 90% of pilots think the example incident is “serious.”
Response, by Pilot Qualification Airline pilots are more likely to say a collision was narrowly avoided.
Comparison of Two Incidents Event Id: 771392 774849 Year: 2003 2010 Type: Aircraft landed on intersecting runways. V. Sep: 50 ft 200 ft H. Sep: 1,000 ft 500 ft Category: B C
Research Summary Runway safety statistics scrutinized. 174 pilots surveyed. 400 incident reports reviewed. Found 22 incidents where aircraft crossed paths at high speed last year. Why only six “serious” incidents? Concluded runway safety trends are flat.